L and M together comprised of two colors, as the color of the photo can change, I feel it is important for the logo to campture the color scheme of the photograph as to not distract too much attention from the artwork.
We like the brown colour scheme. It's pretty good but can you make the text more emotional or involve something to do with genders or something to do with weddings?
#86 is nice. I also like the white version. It is nice, but is it possible to see some similar text NOT completely femine? Also is the heart and M confusing? Or do you think its legible? good work = )
Do you feel the M is legible? I can't decide if it is. Other then that it is quiet nice. We also like the blue and green colour scheme, sort of aqua and greenish. That will work for us too if you can work with those suggestions! Thank you!
I believe it is, mind you, I was the one that created it so its probably alot clearer to me than anyone else. I can try to make it a litle more "m" and a little less heart.