Hi, Here's my first entry for your logo. Please let me know if there is anything you wish changed. I'd be happy to make any revisions you might want. Thanks! Pam
We like #37 we would like a few changes if possible. If we were to run this logo as a one color image at any time, different areas that overlap would create certain images to blend together. If it is possble to place a thin white line between any crossover image and change the dress color to red if a leg passes in front of a dress please do so.The word bistro should move over after the last dancer and be a few points larger.Thank you for your interest in our project and we are looking forward to seeing the changes.
Hi, Here's the revised concept with the requested changes. I inserted a white line wherever 2 colors overlapped, I made all the dresses red, and I moved and enlarged 'BISTRO'. Please let me know if you'd like any further changes. always happy to oblige. Thanks! Pam