#18 - LOVING this idea. Don't know if i love the A in LIA though... but close.. Love the monogram part at the top and the green etc... Is it dark grey font ? really like.
I'll play around with the A, try it leaning the other way and the more traditional triangular shape too :) yes its a dark grey, I thought it went very well with the teal/blue
#20 - i would like to see the same font that is used in my logo i attached for my other partner business (that will kind of sister with this school) it is lia Reese botanical skin care and i uploaded the logo, i'd like to see your style with perhaps the same LIA REESE font for that, but with your design for monogram or options similar? It also can be viewed at liareese.com and i own the logo.
I'm still loving your designs - could you maybe design something making the ACADEMY more of a focus. Just would like to see the option of academy being more of a focus.
#62 is still my fave - but can you alter it to have the reflection like 63? (the monogram part) And can you try it with adding the little lines on either side of academy?
I'd like to see 62 idea with perhaps a square around or something... just want to compare, so that it maybe doesn't look so plain? Just want to compare... i am drawn to another one from another designer too because of the contained shape they used around the whole logo..something about it i like.. Would just like to see it with this logo.
176 - i like the idea of it being on a dark background but it's too frilly, not modern enough...i like clean sleek lines with the LR monogram portion..since that's my fave part of the logo so far.
REALLY love the big big LR monogram... can you try that on the original...i still think i love the one i have in first place still the best..but something just feels like it's missing. My fave part of the wholelogo is the LR and how the L makes part of the R