Entry #12 looks great. Font and the shine in it is excellent. Could you reconsider the symbol. We hope it could be something else than letter L, although you have made it very nicely. Tecnically the symbol looks nice, too, but could you find another creative new idea for it ? Something organic, maybe.... Hope to hear more from you.....thank you.
Entry #40 has a very interesting organic looking symbol. We wish it would look more 3D style, and that the symbol would not me squared in a box. It could be more lively and modern that way.
Having said this I looked at your designs in other contests and found a great example of using a squared symbol (for example grandview financial services logo).
But right now we very much like to "break free" from the limitations of traditional images regarding legal services. Hopefully #40 symbol could be developed into that direction. The octopus handshake, which you created is quite a nice idea already. Hope you could tune that into more 3d, shiny, modern and free from borders..
In practise we will use the logo mostly positioned as you have in #40: symbol besides the logotext, not above.
Hi again #97 has an excellent font and we like it very much. But sorry, we are not as excited about the symbol in #97. #97 would be excellent and very stylish without the symbol. Very usable and stylish in many situations. But we still would like to see another symbol in front of it. A piece of something special/interesting/piece of color in front of it. Or something small and clever. Simple and clever.
By the way, entry #40 has an interesting association: it actually looks like the legal mark § in a very modern closeup. I dont know if you meant it ? Anyway it is another idea worth thinking and combining with the font of #97. We dont like to have the mark § as such, as a cliche, but maybe in a clever way in a modern, stylish, partial closeup.
Here is one new idea which I like the most! #126 I like it because it's remind me on a human in motion and also associated on the wave who is spinning around the globe (target, success..) Let me hear your thoughts.
Hi again Bordo. Sorry for the silence in commenting your work. After extending the contest time and sleeping couple of nights over this design project, we found our current favorites from your desings. We continue to like the font of #128 very much. But the current symbol of #128 is not our favourite. In my eyes it somehow looks bit like a stretching human ; ) From the symbol point of view we keep on liking the #40. What do you think, would it be possible to combine those preferred elements into one design? The sharp font of #128 may require sharpening the symbol of #40 by leaving out the soft round edges and making the cut sharper. Just some food for thought. Thanx.
Hi, Great that you got some shininess / web 2.0 flare and contrast into the design. #205 is our current favourite. Great shine and effects. However we are are not sure if we like the feather as a symbol. We find the symbol still a bit too complex to explain as our story. We somehow would like to simplify the outcome. A graphic closeup of a tilted leagal symbol § could be one approach.
I said abstract feather because it was reminds me on it...and I found connection with that mark and your slogan "Legal made easy" But it also can represent something else...because it is abstract... However, I will try something new...
Hi again Bordo, This is more difficult than before in our previous contest. Some thoughts after rewiewing over and over again:
From the symbol point of view we keep on liking the #40. The preferred font is continuously the #128. Can you please try once more a combbination of these, only changing the symbol border edges cut sharper.