What We Do
We are lawyers who assist clients with issues involving discovery (the process in litigation when the parties exchange information and documents), with particular expertise in electronic discovery (extraction, processing, review, and production of electronically stored information) using a commonsense, practical, demystifying approach to complex legal and technical issues.
Color Preferences
like: blue, grey, green, purple
don't like: red, orange
but don't let these preferences stifle creativity - not strong opinions here
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The name Lex Aperta is Latin. Lex is "law" and Aperta means "open" or "disclose." The process of discovery (what we help clients do) involves the disclosure of information to the opponent in litigation. Litigation is highly combative and adversarial, but our approach is to be more cooperative and negotiate openly. The mixed meaning of aperta (open and disclose) conveys this idea. Also, a lof of other people in this particular field (e-discovery) focus inordinately on the technical side of the work, attempting to mystify the process. Our approach is to simplify things, use direct communication, and approach problems in a practical, uncomplicated way. If the logo can convey at least some of these ideas, that will be ideal.