#4 - of all of your 6 submissions, this is working the best so far. The lighter blue block text of some of the other submissions is not as easily readable as the darker blue of #4. And the thinner font in #1 and 2 seem too thin, and #3 font seems a bit too plain. Trying to comment all of your 6 submissions in one go. Like the JC logo shield use and the colors/americanism - and it's nice and clean and simple (like we want). What we'd like to see however is something that would say "wellness/nutrition/wellness/etc" when you look at it. Right now, there is no sense of what we are about to just look at your submissions.
#4 - remove word "center" please. Increase legibility of text in general. is it possible to add a human element to this (like the stars are the 'trail' of a running guy - shooting off the sheid over the text? thanks!
#73 (and like series) - we like these. The "running man" might be a bit ambitious for our target group - could you try a 'striding' figure. Powerwalking type feel vs. runner/marathon feel. These young adults will have a goal of becoming more active/leading more active lifestyles. Running for exercise might not be very realistic for them at least initially. Thanks!