LedeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lede

Lede has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 143 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.


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Nice idea but it's misleading. It says "colored LED" but I want to communicate "white light LED"

I don't like the idea, it looks like a lamp. And in any case I don't want to focus on the "small LED". These are design lamps using last generation leds that aren't encased in the classic small bulb.
11 years ago
I already gave this comment to other designers (and to you as well): I don't want the 3 primary colors in the logo because they say "low intensity colored LEDs" that is what people have in mind when thinking LEDs. We use high-intensity White LEDs and we want to stress the "white light" idea. I understand that the 3 primary colors combined could mean "white light" but this is not an easy idea association.
So NO 3 primary colors in the logo.
11 years ago
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