hello, here is my first idea. I'm open to feedback, so if you have any opinion on color/font etc. i will be more than happy to explore more options...my design is relating "enhancement" with an "open arm" type shape to signify enhanced learnig...am i headed in the right direction with this design?
I like the "open arms" design and even the left brain/right brain (green/yellow) idea. Draws my attention immediately. I am worried that my eye focuses on "CENTERS" so quickly and Learning Enhancement almost gets lost. A couple things to watch out for: The kerning on "Learning Enhancement" is probably too tight for use on billboards or some other print jobs. I also tend to stay away from shadows on lettering because it can be difficult to reproduce effectively without looking muddy (although it looks great on the web). I realize they have a long name (there's a lot of characters in that name!) and that will create a challenge. Out of the first 4 entries - #2 appeals to me the most.
thank you for your feedback, here is my edited version...no shadows on font, centers less invasive...i'm glad you got the left/right brain idea. As far as the slogan, i truly love it...are you attached to it or can it be left unused?
I like #7. I'm glad you like the slogan - but it's "unlocking" not "unblocking" :). The slogan doesn't have to be attached. I'm thinking the client needs to shorten it - Unlocking Intelligence or Intelligence. Unlocked. Something like that - but we'll worry about that here. Much better with the smaller font on Centers. What does it look like if it's not spread out and CENTERS is just centered under Learning Enhancement?
in case you wanted to see another variation of the design. this one stacked, please make sure you compare to #39...i still like the original design, but this one is fresh.
have you been able to get closer to a decision? i can experiment with colors, but truthfully, the colors i've chosen are more than enhancing. Do you like the newer design and stacked? It's tough to come up with another variation when the original really works.
#39 is the easiest to work with from a production standpoint - it's all nicely stacked and would easily fit into a design. I'm not really excited about the mix of fonts or boldness. There needs to be some uniformity. That is one reason why some of the other designs are ranking high - their fonts are bold and uniform (with the exception of "centers" where it is smaller). The new design #42 is appealing because the shadow is gone. It is crisp and clean. I don't like the overall design as well as #32. As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of gradients! Thank you for your submissions - -
Your feedback was soooo fantastic. Here is my revision. -this design is easiest to work with as it's stacked. -no more mixed font or boldness -there is uniformity -centers is smaller -SHADOW is gone. and exact design as #32 thank you so much and hope you love it. It looks like a strong design.