Leanne & Associates - Real EstateLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Leanne & Associates - Real Estate

Leanne & Associates - Real Estate has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 122 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.




































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#1 - I really like the idea, but would like to see additional color added.
14 years ago
#2 & #3 - Although I kind of like the colors, I am not sure about the LA concept. Thank you for your entries. I truly appreciate it. :-)
14 years ago
#5 - kib647, I really like your work. I'd like to see #5 with fall and/or spring colors on the trees. Do you have any ideas for a tree(s) with roots to go with the whole "Rooted in Real Estate" slogan? I also wonder how it would look with a mountain in the distance or something...Think of North Carolina. I kind of like the look of logos that have a line break between the Leanne & Associates and the "Rooted in Real Estate" slogan. I do like how the road extends a bit further on #1. Let's try a door and/or window on the house. FYI - I do plan to use this logo with branding on my silver H2 Hummer. I am open to your creative ideas... :-)
14 years ago
#4 - The more I stare at the one the better I like it. How would you feel about changing it up a bit to have the tree on the left side (with roots possibly) and LEANNE (on the first line) & ASSOCIATES on the second line with LEANNE being a bit larger? I'm currently feeling like LEANNE & ASSOCIATES looks a bit long for one line. I've even considered using my whole name which is Leanne Pogue-Wooten, how on earth could I pull that off in terms of length? I definately like your work!
14 years ago
#23, #24, #25, #26, #27 - Like the color, but feel that these are a bit too plain for my style. I do prefer to use my slogan of "Rooted in Real Estate" with the logo. If using my last name, it's spelled POGUE, opposed to PROUGE. ;-)
#17, #20, #21, #22 - I like the addional of color in these logos, but still prefer your originals of #1, #4, #5.
#14 - I am not on 100% on the mountain idea that I gave you thus far. It's a fantastic design that may just need some improvement. How do you feel about trying #4 more in line with the format of #21 and trying #5 with LEANNE & ASSOCIATES on two separate lines offset or similar? How about also adding a door and/or window in the house? You do great work!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Please let me know if you need anymore revisions. Keep em' coming!

(This comment references Entry #35)
14 years ago
kib647 - I still love your work! I would love to see some additional ideas. How do you feel about the addition of a dragonfly or cardinal to the logos? I'm a dragonfly nut and red cardinals are NC's state bird. #31 - I continue to like this design, but feel that something is missing. I'm not sure how I feel about a logo without a house in it since I do sell homes. I definately like #31 better than #32 due to the more horizontal layout, which I seem to be giving preference to with all designers. I am a balance freak, so I feel that I would prefer the "Rooted in Real Estate" centered under the line. I also seem to be showing some preference for logos that have a vertical line break between the graphic and text. #33, #34, #35 - I continue to like this design. How would it look on a more horizontal spread similar to #31? I would still like to see some windows and/or a door on the house to it doesn't look so empty. I still like how the road extends past the house in #1. I'd like to see some fresh ideas from you since I seem to be giving you preference thus far. Trying some additional shades of blue with grey/charcoal may be nice. I work for RE/MAX and their logo is the red, white and blue air balloon, which will be branded on my silver H2 Hummer along with my personal logo.
14 years ago
kib647 - I am LOVING your new designs! I will do rankings later, as I am walking out the door. Did I say that I LOVE your newest ideas? :-)

Any ideas to add some with a house along with the amazing dragonfly?
14 years ago
#43 & #44 - Thank you for switching up the colors. I am partial to the original colors in #49 & # 50. #47 - Although I still like this design, I'm stuck on the dragonfly from #48, #49, #50...I love the addition of the dragonfly! #46 & #51 - I really like these and they are a favorite (can you shorten up the dragonfly tail so it does not extend past the end of the E?) along with #48, #49 & #50...Any addional shades of blue for me to consider. I keep wondering how these shades of blue will look along side the RE/MAX balloon on my vehicle. Also, do you have any ideas of something similar to #48 with a different type of house verses the trees? I wish I could think of a new slogan that would be catchy and go with the whole dragonfly idea.
14 years ago
KIB, what would it look like to have the house on #46 or #51 outlined in a darker color--just to see the difference?
14 years ago
#48 - Is there any chance I can see this in a more royal blue (think the RE/MAX balloon) color with the dragonfly being more of a bottle green color? Are the shaded trees light green or grey?

#46 & #51 - I've received feedback from my co-workers that they likes these two, but feel that they are a bit busy and they don't feel that the colors are "me"...Any ideas of new color variations? Again, I need to coordinate a bit to the RE/MAX balloon since both the balloon and my personal logo will be branded on my Hummer.

Could we see something in #48 with a different kind of house and one with a different house along with a tree? Maybe something with a tree house too?

I appreciate your designs and feel that you are ranking the highest thus far...Thank you!!
14 years ago
Hi KIB - Thanks for making the changes. I like #56, #57 & #58. Although I like #56, I'd like to see it with a tree next to the house, opposed to behind it or maybe a combo of next to/behind it. I checked on the colors of the RE/MAX balloon...Pantone Red #192 and Reflex Blue. Any chance we can try a combo of these colors (small amount of red) and maybe greys? I'm thinking we could try a leaf design coming out of the chimney like smoke (similar to # 39)? Can we also try shading the windows in a grey color opposed to the blue?
14 years ago
#59 & #60 - KIB, are these colors specifically Pantone Red #192 and Reflex Blue? I think I like the addition of the red door and I do like the windows in grey. I might like the Rooted in Real Estate in coordinating grey (unless it already is and I can't identify on my monitor). I still feel like I'd like to see it with a tree next to the house, opposed to behind it.. And maybe a leaf type image coming from the chimney. As you can see, I rank your work highly. Did you notice that I uploaded the RE/MAX logo for my specific office, as well as my current logo for designer review? I thought that may be helpful. :-) #50 - I like the simplicity of this design and how clean it looks. It might be interesting to see the tree and/or house on the right side of the logo and maybe one with something under the logo?
14 years ago
#50 - KIB, could you show me this logo in Reflex Blue as the primary color (LEANNE & ASSOCIATES and the dragonly) with the dragonfly wings accented in Pantone Red #192 along with the line under "& ASSOCIATES" in Pantone Red #192 to match the accent of the wings. How about putting the "Rooted in Real Estate" in a grey color to accent my silver Hummer? Thank you!!
14 years ago
KIB - I'm digging #73 ... Are the colors specifically Reflex Blue and Pantone Red #192 in these new logos so I can expect them to match the RE/MAX balloon exactly?? Also, on #73 (and possibly the other new ones), is the "Rooted in Real Estate" AND the road and shades of the trees in grey? It's always difficult to identify on this size of images. If you could let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.
14 years ago
#73 & #75 - LOVE them!! I definately prefer the road leading back toward my name. Please let me know the actual colors per my last message when you have time. #74 & #77 - I prefer the other directions of the road as indicated above. #70, #71 & #72 - The tree inside the house was not the look I was hoping for. It reminds me of my current logo that has a maple leaf inside the house, which makes it look like I am announcing that I am Canadian, which I am not...LOL!! That leaf location always bugged me. Thanks for trying. If you have any ideas with just the house, I'm open to them. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
using Pantone Red #192

(This comment references Entry #79)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I got the blue, red and grey from the REMAX balloon.
It's same exact colors. I don't know the color code for reflux blue - so I just used the tool to copy the exact colors.
RED - #e30d3f
BLUE- #010677

14 years ago
#79 - Thanks, Kib! I appreciate your attention to detail. Do you have the color code for the grey used? Is the horizontal line blue, grey or red (I can't seem to tell on the screen)? Are the shaded trees and road grey or light blue and is the "Rooted in Real Estate" in grey?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#85 - the red line above "Rooted in Real Estate" is more dominant - but the designs are at such a low resolution, they lose their crispness and clarity.

#86 - I blew up the images so you can see more detail with the colors.

The final versions will be so much more sharper and you will see all the details that are being lost in the low resolution designs currently posted.
The background trees, road and "Rooted in Real Estate" are all grey (#b8b8b8).

RED - #e30d3f
BLUE- #010677
GREY - ##b8b8b8
I got the colors directly from the REMAX balloon so they will match perfectly.
14 years ago
#85 - I'm not sure if I like this one better or #79 since you indicated that the resolution is low....From a designers standpoint, which one looks better (again, this will be used on my vehicle and all marketing materials)? #86 - Thanks for blowing this up for me so I can see the details better. Thanks, Kib! :-)
14 years ago
Kib, this is just a sudden idea that we came up with and thought I would throw it your way in case you want to submit a design. I do not expect you to do so, as you have worked so hard thus far, but wanted to throw out the opportunity (I posted this on my contest page, but have not sent it directly to any other designers)... *****We just came up with what could be a neat idea.... Does anyone have any ideas for a logo that incorporates a plane similar to the Wright Brothers plane with a slogan of "Where Real Estate Dreams Take Flight"? It would still need to incorporate LEANNE & ASSOCIATES. Colors - Reflex blue and Pantone Red #192 with grey.*****
14 years ago
#98 - Thanks for trying these for me, Kib! I truly appreciate it. I think I prefer #98 to #99, as I feel that #99 may be too busy with the tree, plane and dragonfly. I may like these ideas better with some type of a house instead of a tree. Or, I may like it better with the plane going the other direction.
14 years ago
#50 - I keep staring at this one for its simplicity. It would work better for me in the RE/MAX blue, red and grey. I also wonder what it may look like adding a stream behind the dragonfly like you did similar to the airplane in #98.
14 years ago
Kib, how about #98 with the dragonfly instead of the plane. See my last two other notes above about placement, etc. and #50. I plan to finalize my judging tomorrow, hopefully.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I just sat down at my desk and I'm working on the revisions now - I will have something posted within the hour.
Thanks for working so closely with me on all the changes - hopefully we can nail down for you today!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The line above the sub-titles is solid red - on my screen it looks either darker or almost black...I guess it's due to the low resolution, but it is solid red - the exact red from the code you gave me and the same as the Remax balloon. The trees, dragonfly and title/name is the exact blue as the Remax balloon also.
The subtitle and background tress are grey and on some of the designs, one of the dragonfly's wing is also grey - to show movement. I also got this shade of grey from the Remax balloon.
Please let me know if I can do anymore. I will be glued to my computer to get this done for you today,
Thank You,
14 years ago
Thanks, Kib! Sorry, I have been without access much of the day and we leave FL tomorrow to head home from being on vacation for the last 9 days. I will not have access tomorrow since we have a 12+ hour drive home. I am having serious issues deciding between #79 and #112...I want both designs! ;-) Can I please see #112 with the dragonfly with the one wing in grey to show movement per your last post?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
grey wing to represent movement.

(This comment references Entry #120)
14 years ago
Kib, I know I am driving you to insanity...I'm sorry! I'm a detail freak! #79 - Can I see this one with the "Where Real Estate Dreams Take Flight" slogan? #120 - Do you have any other ideas for the stream behind the dragonfly that doesn't look so much like an 'e'?
14 years ago
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