I really like Entry # 39. Is it possible to update it so that the white swoosh on the stylized person is the same size and angle as the orange swoosh on the letter A.
I like Entry # 36 as well but could you look at including the globe from your Entry # 38 as a part of Entry # 36 including the map of Australia.
I am not sure about Entry # 37 as I didn't see the two stylized people on the side of the globe at first. They seem to blend in and the white parts make it harder to differentiate that they are people.
Please let me see any other design ideas you have.
Thank you for your designs and congratulations on your first ranking in the open stage for Entry # 39.
I also like Entry # 38 which is the same as Entry # 39 with the words to the side instead of underneath.
Will you please update Entry # 39 and Entry # 38 so that the word LEADERSHIP is in the dark blue of the globe with the orange flash in the A and the word INFLUENCE is in the light blue of the globe.
If you win the tournament will you be able to give me the files for Entry # 39 and Entry # 38 and the Entry # 39 with out the words and Entry # 39 with just the words? This will help me with business cards and letterhead etc for the business.
Congratulations on being 1st in the rankings after the Top 5 in my logo contest. Great work!!!
I have really enjoyed working with you so far and I am very happy with your flexibility as I have made new suggestions.
I still really like your Entry # 114 which finished 1st in the rankings but I want to do some changes to Entry # 71.
Will you please make the following changes to Entry # 71:
1. Change the colour of the star to the darker blue. 2. Change the colour of the words to the same as in Entry # 114. 3. Rotate the map of Australia anti-clockwise so that it lines up with the lines on the globe. 4. Reduce the size of the map of Australia by approximately 25%. 5. Increase the size of the globe and stylized figure to the same size as the one in Entry # 36. 6. Add a dash to each side of the word INFLUENCE so it looks like --- INFLUENCE ---
Then will you create the same logo with the words to the right.
Thank you for the updates to the two logo designs, I think they are great!!
Will you please confirm that if you win you will upload the following:
1. The logo with the words at the bottom - Entry # 118. 2. The logo with the words at the side - Entry # 119. 3. The logo without the words from Entry # 118. 4. The words without the logo from Entry # 118.
Will you please also advise what font the words are in so that I can match it for business cards and letterhead.