Lead Like a GirlLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lead Like a Girl

Lead Like a Girl has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 147 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.
























































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Logo Designer
Hi Dear Contest Holder Kate :)

I offer you some designs inspired by the ideas you provide, thank you for taking the time to write and explain them! Please, tell me your thoughts about my work and then we can work together and create a great, great logo.

Best regards,
15 years ago
My first thought is that none of these is quite our logo...YET! I ran them by a small test audience (Mom & Dad) who both said, "I don't know what LLG means." Something to consider. My mom ranked #1 as her favorite but said she'd give it a "C." She ranked #5 as her second choice.

I love #5 but think that would be a better thing for t-shirts, mugs, etc. once people know what our product is. I just don't think it would be our primary logo. Whatever we put on our website/business cards I think needs to be more like one of the silhouette ones.

So...here are some discussion points:

A) I'd like to possibly change the stance of the girl. Initially I thought, "Leaning back isn't leading." The two example logos I sent w/ female silhouettes were more of what I thought of as "leading stances." Although, maybe a confident leader doesn't always have to be in an "I'm leading" stance. Maybe a great leader observes and mentors from that laid back position. I could be convinced of that.

B. We have two thoughts regarding the women silouette:
1. I thought I preferred a silhouette to a cartoon-y looking girl (I think that's more ageless) but I'm liking these cartoon-y girls more than I thought I would. I think that might have to do w/ the girl herself. Can we see the girl with a pants suit, heels, & a ponytail. I don't know why I have this image in my mind as more professional...but I do. I think it can appeal to a broader crowd than the knee high boots & long flowing hair. (My mom thought logo #2 looked like the girl had on a black veil...that really made me lean towards a ponytail!).
2. Opinion #2: Loved the skirt and hair silouette. Can't stand pants or ponytial. Can you please keep it as one option if you use her again.

C) Could we play with the word 'girl' maybe being in a script-y font instead of the same font as the rest of the words (for the spelled out version)? Not sure how that would look but am curious. It could bring a little of the Logo #5 feel into the simpler Logo #1 look.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very, very much for this great feedback ¡is what i need to work! Let me put all your sugestions together. Please dont worry if you dont see me submiting the new logos right away, i will need a couple of hours to work this out.

Big hug! To you and your entire family!

15 years ago
I really love #12, #13, & #26!! This shows women leading a group, which is something I hadn't thought of being able to show in a logo. Awesome!! We're still having a hard time with the silhouette looking a little too sexy. We're not sure how to walk the fine line of being a girl/woman but still being taken seriously. We had a great discussion about all of the logos you've provided last night and see that there are a TON of different opinions out there! Part of the group wants to go in a direction w/o any women in the logo (which takes us back to #5 as it was just stylish w/o any women in the logo).

If you have any other brilliant thoughts about how to be true to the idea of leading like a girl (and being TOTALLY proud of what that means and who you are as a leader) w/o completely freaking out people who literally HATE the word girl...I would really love to see them! You're work is amazing and you've been really responsive to what we tell you. You're awesome to work with!

Anyhow...that's the newest batch of discussion. Might be generational, might be state of mind...who knows! I thought our target audience might be women 30-45...but perhaps with a name/concept like this it's actually more towards the women just enting their careers (25-30)? Ack!! I'd love any thoughts/ideas you have!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Im very happy that you like my work. Im working in some new ideas, and i will submit them soon, but for now, im going to make the woman leader less sexy. Your are a great, great Contest Holder, you are clear of what you want, you take the time to write it and explain it and in a very human way.

Thank you for your guide.

15 years ago

WOW!! I have friends literally drooling over your work! In fact, I have a guy who really want to get in touch about doing some work with you. He thinks your designs are amazing!! I'll put my e-mail at the end so you can contact me if you are interested in getting his contact info. Could be a good opportunity as he works a lot with entreprenuers who need logos! :-) And since you've been so amazing to work with...I'd love to get you more work if you want it!

As for your latest round...totally awesome! The logos just keep getting better and better! #5, #40, &#41 are our current favorites. We'd like to see a few versions of each with some changes.

Could we possibly see a few versions of #5 with differnt fonts for the LLG? Perhaps the font you used in #40, one like the scripty writing in #26 and one more new font?

We'd like to see #41 with the following changes:

--We'd like the crowd gray with a few black silhouettes in the background vs. balck w/ gray behind (and are there men in there?! We'd like the crowd mixed...could be already, can't tell). Also, when you make that change please make the words the colors they are in logo #12. And we'd like to see one version of that sizing w/ the word girl in script like you did in logo #26. I really like the words being the same width as the crowd. I thought you'd outdone yourself w/ #12...but this one is even better!
--The woman in pink. LOVE that!! But after feedback from our tetst group, we'd like her to not have her arms crossed. We'd like to see a version with her in a skirt or dress w/ heels (man this has been a huge debate!) and keep one version in pants (but can you make the high heels a little more visible?). Also, what is around her neck? A tie or a necklace? Some have found it a bit distracting, so can we make it smaller or change it somehow?

And what would #40 look like without the tagline? I actually really like what you came up with but we're still not 100% certain about a tagline, so wondered what this logo would look like without it.

Ok, that's it for now. Only a few more hours to play w/ this. SO appreciate all you have done and think you are an amazing designer! If you're interested in staying in contact & maybe doing more work for us in the future (and/or getting the contact info of my friend), please e-mail me at lstein114@gmail.com.

Again, so happy w/ what you're doing for us. AWESOME!!


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Leslie, im so glad you like what i been doing :D Now im going to work on your suggestions, it would take me some time, maybe 2 hours, but im very happy because of your great feedback, without it, i couldnt be working and making the designs, thank you very very much.

About working with your friend, it would be great! :) :) But first i want to work in your logo :) i want to put all my effort in this :), as soon as the contest ends, i will send you a message, i promise!

Send you a big hug, thank you again!

15 years ago

You are amazing...totally fantastic to work with!! You are the kind of person my lead like a girl project is all about!!! Thanks for everything...can't wait to see the changes & new tweeks. Have a great night!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
It took me more time that i expected :) Please, tell me if i missed something.

Thank you for your words, good night!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning!

Im ready to work in any changes you may need :)
15 years ago

I wish I knew more words for awesome...I would use them to describe all of your work!! I would love to do a story about you on my blog when this is all over! :-)

Ok, newest comments/thoughts.

Having a pink girl in front of a crowd is definitely the idea most people (including me) really like! #12 & #26 have been the most popular with people who have given me input. I put #41, #5, & #40 out to a different group of people and about 85% were in favor of #41.

SO...can we take the crowd from #67 (mixed gray w/ men, which I like) and thin it out a bit and change the girl to the stance of the one from #12? THEN...do that again but change girl to the scrpty writing from #26.

Also (and I'm hoping you have a brilliant idea here), our 3rd partner is concerned that we'll pick a logo that is too graphic and doesn't have the recognition of something like the 'M' from Mcdonalds or the 'f' from facebook. She leans more towards logo #5 or something more letter related (but she is in the minority, here). I know you can't make all the people happy all the time...but do you think that scripty 'g' from #26 could be a stand alone letter like the 'f' in facebook when you see it on your browser? Just curious what you thought.

Ok...I only extended the contest to get final feedback from both partners at once, which we are doing after 5pm today. Then...decision time!

Thanks for your continued tweaking & working with us. This has been a way more engaging & fun process than I was expecting...so thanks for that! :-)


PS--Since we're not 100% certain of our tagline yet could we possibly come back at some point to have you add that in? I LOVE the look of having it in the logo (like #41, #75, #76) but don't want to rush and end up with the wrong one. Not sure how easy it would be to add that once we've got the words tweaked.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, im working on it :)

About the tagline issue, please dont worry about that :) Im creating a multifacetic logo for you, this means that i will provide you of all variants you might need of the logo (diferent backgrounds, with or without tagline, or other elements, and more cool stuff that you will need for office work or web use).

Like michelin logo, your logo could work along like a wordmark. We only need to select the best font for it. I can show you more fonts, if you like :), please just ask :)

Like always, thank you for your great feedback and guide.


15 years ago
Talked to the partners today...we still love #41 a lot. We keep coming back to it!! The color of the words looks so symetrical...something is catchy about it!

Can we see that one with the girl from #26 (and you can leave the tie on her...we decided we don't mind!). And not sure if you can...but can you give her a bit more of a ponytail? A little longer & thicker? We all have loads of hair, so we've got some pretty massive ponytails! :-)

Also, can there be a few less people in the crowd? A few responses have said they couldn't make out what the blob was. Maybe a few less black sihouettes (but not so few the words don't pop like they do now) and a little more of the gray showing? I thought I would like the mixed gray more than I do. It's almost distracting, though. Unless it's like #66. Or maybe we can try just straight black like in #13.

Ok...getting to excited to have a logo I can post!! :-)


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, working on the new changes :)
15 years ago
You must be so tired of looking at this by now!! :-)

I am still loving the crowd from #41 (guess I had to see all those other versions to know that yep, I love it!) but want to substitute the girl from #102. Like the look better w/ the tagline...so am working on one that will work. But if not, just the Lead like a Girl w/ no tagline is fine.

Also had another idea about the crowd. What if they got smaller to the sides? As if they were standing in a 'V' and the girl in pink is at the front of the 'V.' Some peopple really like #21 but others think she looks too separate from the crowd. If she was just slightly taller than a few people but the people go smaller as they got further back in the 'V' maybe that would give the feel of #21 without the separation that we want to avoid. Does that make sense at all?

Ok...going to run these past my mom. She's having just as much fun with this as I am! :-)

Have a great night,
15 years ago
Logo Designer
:D Im liking a lot this logo too :)

Im going to work on this, maybe it would take me some time, but i will submit the new versions as soon as i can.

Good night!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Leslie! I will wait for your thoughts about the new entries :)

Im going to bed now, see you in the morning!

Big hug

15 years ago
Yay!! #104 is like #41 w/ the girl I like. PERFECT!! And it even has a 1 & a 4 in it...like they're sisters! :-)

A designer friend of mine was asking me how I would deal w/ this as a reverse logo or what I would do if I needed a 1-color version. Of course...I had not thought of that before she said it. I looked through some of the other ones and thought #77 would make a good 1-color version (since there is no crowd). I remember you said you provided multiple versions, so I think this is what you meant. But all this is new to me, so let me know if I am getting this wrong.

Also, my test audience has had a love-hate relationship with logo #5. I love it!!! I think it would make beautiful t-shirts, hats, mugs, etc. Would it be possible to see what it would look like on a black background? I might have to print those up as my Christmas presents to people! :-)

Ok, have to run some errands but am so happy with #104 & #105...thank you!


PS--Also love #106 & #107...but still lean towards the full crowd. What do you think?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, im going to work with #105 like it is the choosen logo, and going to submit the variations: white and black background, only one color version, negative space, web 2.0 effects, and simple-to-complex versions.

Im very happy with the final result of this logo, this is the way i love to work! You were confident and specific in what you wanted and needed, and the way you explained yourself, the way you gave feedback, was always polite and human. I really want to thank you for the way you are, you make me enjoy so much to work for you and even when you asked me for many changes, i found myself working until late very happy, hopping to please you; i think this is what your logo is about, the joy of work and follow a leader that ask you the best effort you can give, and you do it with joy and smiling; this is what it means that someone inspire you to work harder to complete an objective the best way it can be.

I Apologize if my english is not good enough :) in few words, maybe thank you is enough.

So, thank you.

15 years ago

Your English is much better than my Spanish. AND...your words were amazing! I am so happy to hear you have been happy to work with me, I feel the same way! What you said is EXACTLY what the logo is all about...I may even have to quote you on my website! :-)

Again, thanks for the amazing design & experience. #105 is a winner!!!

15 years ago

Greetings! I am still trying to think of a tagline I like so we can work that into the design because I really like the look of it in there! The one you came up with works, so I will keep that in some versions if I don't have a flash of brilliance soon!

Also, I was wondering if we could get (with the final batch of logos) just the dash under the word today in the tagline. I really like that and thing that will be a simple visual on an internet tool bar, etc. Pretty, pink and simple. :-)

Ok...going to bed. Tomorrow is decision day. We are down to you and one other designer and I am SOOO happy with both of you. I feel like I can't lose no matter what! Thanks for doing such amazing work and for doing it so quickly.

Have a great night & I will chat w/ you tomorrow.

15 years ago
I never even thought of putting in on pink. That (#146) looks AWESOME!!!! What a great variation. I moved it up in the rankings. Although, it's probably 3rd not 1st...I just got so excited when I saw it! I'm totally getting a t-shirt w/ that on it! :-)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I thought you would like it. :) Anyway, this is a variation for web use. Is like "dressing" the logo with more elegant clothes.
15 years ago
"Dressing" the logo in fancy clothes. That is something I totally understand! :-)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah! Hahahahaha, girl, i know this is work but im having fun! Awesome working with you :D
15 years ago
Wow...I just noticed the reflections in the new "dressed-up" versions. That is COOL!! I wish you could see the huge smile on my face right now...you ROCK!!!

Ok, have to get packed to head out to my sister's house to celebrate Thanksgiving. What's at the top of my list? YOU...and all of your fabulous design work. You have seriously blown me away with your design AND your awesome attitude. SO much fun to work with you!


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for the opportunity of designing this for you. It was a great expierence for me too, and as you can see in my portfolio, your logo is my favorite and is the best i ever made.

15 years ago
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