Like the use of an image, with the the Scales of Justice and LG Initials, see if we can work in a Check Mark going through the image, or with the L of the LG
As for the Name Reverse Lawyers Guide below or somewhere else, to include "Verified Lawyers" or Verified Lawyer with the concept with Lawyers Guide smaller below those works...
Trying to create a mark/image that when you see it on a Lawyer Profile, it stands out, but then we would use the mark with the words of the mark as to the right as the image for the advertising piece
#17 Like with you did with the circle, it is consistent in theme style withour main logo, what about insteading of using LG for lawyers guide in the circle, try "V L" for Verified Lawyer; and then having the V running through the L as a check mark...or something to that affect all contained with the circle if possible...or not...keeping it clean.
#34 Can you make that solid (without the swirls) color with the edging like you did with #32 blue. -darken up the ring around the outer edge of #32 and #34 -darken (bold?) up the lettering of #32 and #34 for "Verified Lawyers" and Bold or make the white pop more off the inside of the image (maybe darken up the filler color as it bleeds the white color off)
In addition to #37 & #38 with adding registered sign; we will need EPS logo variations as follows:
#37 – Logo Gold - Add the registered sign after the name “Lawyers Guide” {that black color good} - Change Color of “Verified Lawyers” to Gold {the inside of the circle color gold) - Change Name to “Verified Lawyer” – Color Black {note no s} - Change Name to “Verified Lawyer” – Color Gold (the inside of the circle color Gold) {note no s}
#38 – Logo Blue - Add the registered sign after the name “Lawyers Guide” {that black color good} - Change Color of “Verified Lawyers” to Blue {the inside of the circle color blue) - Change Name to “Verified Lawyer” – Color Black {note no s} - Change Name to “Verified Lawyer” – Color Blued (the inside of the circle color Blue) {note no s}
Other Variations Black & White; Colored Blue Background with “white” lettering.