Sorry brief is not clear enough. You need a logo for the project (Project Reunite Families) since you already hace the LPC logo I assume. There was no logo attached so I googled and found this site: (I hope it's the correct one).
I linked the project logo to the LPC org. logo. I hope this is ok since there was no direction. Also Stylistic bars are not set either, so designers cannot understand your style requirements (colors, shapes, mood, etc). I wish there was a more clear direction to follow.
You skipped the 1st phase of the contest already (because you never ranked the entries you received so far), and now you enter in the TOP5 phase: You have to rank (at least) 5 different designers so they can continue uploading revisions to their concepts based on your feedback and ranking. (Ranking and feedback are everything for us, designers, to have a direction to follow or we will be guessing your likes and needs).
We are very interested in Version 19. Yes, the website you found is our website, I'm sorry that our Logo for LPC (Latino Policy Coalition) did not upload correctly. I did upload it when I set-up the tournament. I've just sent them a message to see if we can get it uploaded again. You captured exactly what we need - you're intuitive and creative. Thank you.
Here are some changes we would like to make to your entry:
1. At the top write: Latino Policy Coalition 2. Keep our LPC logo as you placed it - it looks like a sun over the Parent and Child 3. Make changes to the child so it is more apparently a child - the way it is now, it could be mistaken for a puppy or tadpole :-) 4. Could you also provide the logo in Spanish? It would all be the same, except for at the bottom it would say: Proyecto Reunificación de Familias
Well, this project is really interesting. Once I found your website also found more info about the project and stayed reading. It's so sad for a child to have their parents far. And even worse when they are forced to be far. So so sad. I have 2 little kids and I cannot imagine being appart from them. So I tried to put those feelings in the logo, and the happiness of a child running to his mom's arms. That would be a moving moment for both :)
About the style, of course I can make changes (if you take a look at my portfolio you will find I mostly design characters or illustrative logos, from abstract to very realistic), but in this case I tried to keep the very basic essence, almost rustic, with a latin feel and matching your logo style.
I will make the changes you suggest and will get back to you with a few more versions. (english and Spanish of course.
Que gusto nos da que simpatizes con nuestra causa!
I cannot imagine being torn from my children forever when my only crime was being a hard-working, poorly-paid undocumented worker. It's been devasting to thousands of families. We appreciate your extra intuitive work to help us get the message out on this worthy project.
ok. Here I am back with the requested update. Not clear to me (maybe I skipped that part on your site), where children and parents should reunite. In the US or outside the US. If you see my version #20 I used a two tones floor, meaning two different countries, or the country limit. Is that wrong?
ok. I will be out but be back in a few hours. Please send me your comments on my new entries.
Great addition, regarding the two tones for the floor. Please go ahead and make the change on your two latest entries (entry 21 and 22) to include the two tones. The reunification we are seeking is either in the US or the parent's country of origin.
Hi Nat, I got some more feedback...please see the comment below from someone on my committee for this logo: ---------- I have reviewed the following options and agree that the woman running (entry 26 and 25) resembles a young girl and is reminiscent of the immigrant yield sign. Because of these reasons we suggest keeping the idea of entry #24 and 23 – perhaps the artist can change the woman’s figure to be kneeling or just on one knee (as if in a proposed stance-about to kneel)? Also agree with artist that the bi-toned floors illustrate the distance idea well. ---------- Nat, can you perhaps design a more corpulent "mother", reflecting a position of someone about to rise from a kneeling position.
We made our final selection with you as our designer! Thanks for your patience and creative changes to help enhance our message. It turned out spectacular.
We look forward to getting our English and Spanish version of the same design.
I'm waiting for a reply from the "Contact Us" people at LogoTournament on how I can send you the logo. If you provide me your email address I will be happy to send you the logo. The contest has ended, so I beleive it's ok for us to communicate independently. The Designer Guidelines say: Private arrangements with Contest Holders are unacceptable. (Example: offering additional free services during the contest if they select your logo) It is fine for a winning Designer to offer additional services after the contest is over.