Wondering if you can try one where the L is incorporated into the word Lateral. Also would be interested in something that can translate to a lighter background.
Or you could still use white text for dark backgrounds and then switch to a dark color for light backgrounds. In this example, I'm using the dark gray from the background in #4 as the text color. I will now work on incorporating the L into the Lateral and post that a little later.
If you have any other requests or questions, just let me know.
Cottonwood, Thanks for your consideration. We like #105, and are interested to see what it might look like if the bottom of the "L" continued through the word "Sports" where "sports" would be in blue on the white background from the bottom of the "L"...
Thanks for appeasing our request - your design is exactly what we were thinking and what we asked for. After seeing it in the logo the underline section takes away too much from the "L" shape.
Your clean, crisp, and clear design in the other submissions stands out in the field.
Another idea: The arrow stands for the way you redirect internet traffic and search queries, and can also be interpreted as a "lateral" in the sports sense.