I would love to see how entry #5 would look with color. Can you also provide an example of entry #5 with the "hair removal and medspa" line in the middle rather than on the bottom?
For entry #4-- I like the logo as a whole but I don't feel like the "of arlington" line is easily visible. It somewhat blends in to the background. Can we try other shades or colors?
We took a look at your portfolio and do like the shade of green you used in the Crowd Farm logo. We love how bright and vibrant it is but are open to other colors too.
Thank you for submitting updated designs! I really like the colors in the logos!
Entry #4 and #116 --- We like the style of this logo a lot and the whole team agrees on this! However, we think that it is a little too plain. We are hoping to have a symbol along with the logo.
Entry #115 and #130 --- Our team is torn on this design. Some people love how you converted one of the letters itself into a symbol and some people feel indifferent about it.
Do you have any other design ideas that we can throw into the mix and run with?