We really love the direction you are taking with the logos you have submitted so far! We love the combination of a "doctor's office" feel and a "modern" feel. That is exactly what we are looking for in a logo!
Entry #33-- We like this logo the most in the competition so far but we feel like something is missing. We like the symbol you have chosen a lot! Can we see how different color combinations would look? Maybe a different font? We would also like the the "of arlington" portion to be more prominent in the design.
Entry #34-- We like this logo and the use of the orange. Can you make the other two legs in the symbol orange too (alternating legs)? Also, the colors might be slightly too dull for when we print this on marketing material.
Entry #35-- This logo might be too large.
Entry #32-- We love the symbol you chose for this logo and would love to see it used in other designs! However, the color filled box around the symbol does not appeal to us. Can we see how this logo would look with the symbols more bold and no box around them?
Entry #31-- I have not ranked this logo as we are not looking for logos with a color background. I do however like the logo itself a lot. Can you submit this same logo with the colors inverted maybe? Or can you keep the green on the inside of the flower symbol but remove the green from the rest of the background? That would be perfect!!
Hi thanks for all the feed back I will work on each design and make changes to all and upload again tomorrow now as it is late here in england . The feed back really help so thanks again amy
Thank you for sending in so many versions for us to choose from. Our number 1 pick is entry #46. We really like how the orange is used as an accent! The color variation in entry #46 is perfect. However, we cant decide if we prefer the way our business is written in #46 or #50. Can we see the symbol of 46 with the text of 50 in order to compare?
We also like the shade of blue in entry #53 and wonder how #46 would look if the orange was replaced with that shade of blue. Can we see this option also?
Entry #54-- Can we see how this would look with the symbol on the left of the text instead of on top? And also make the green text more visible? Right now, that line is too light. Either darken it or use a different color? We do like the light blue tone though.
Entry #55-- We like these colors because we can read the text clearly. Can you move the symbol to the left of the text instead of above?
After talking to the team, they are not interested in the flowers in entry #51, #52, and #53 so we will not be considering those.
We love all the different color combinations! It's definitely getting hard for us to pick just one combo that we like!
Can we also see how the business name would look if you have the "L" in laser is capitalized and the "aser" is lowercase. One of the team members really likes how that looks in other logos.
In addition, do you have any other symbol ideas we could throw into the mix? We love what you have come up with so far but wonder what else you can come up with too!
We love how you made the "e" different in "Laser" in entry #294. We think it gives an artistic and creative look! Do you have ideas of other ways to write the "e" so we can compare?
We appreciate the additional color combinations you have provided as well. We are still trying to chose the best combo.