Maybe you can combine the two concepts with entry 79 and 70? I like the colors of Entry 79 although the B could match the "B" color in the logo and the "rand" could match the Dark Cherry color in the logo.
I like in Entry 70 how the L and the B are combined and it is a clear "L" in the logo. I like how in Entry 79 the top of the logo it is not connected.
I'd like to see the wood grain more like Entry 70 in the Logo as opposed to the look in Entry 79.
I'd like to see a stronger font for "LandBrand" in Entry 79. I'd like to see the tag line at the bottom with periods between.
I'd also like to see the tag line equal in length with the above "LandBrand".
I'd like to see a version with the "LandBrand" be all caps like "LANDBRAND", but with only the "L" and the "B" larger caps. Hope that makes sense. It would just make it stronger.
I like Entry 94. I'd like to start a color fade from the end of the L in Grey color fading into charcoal, black, and ultimately that same color of dark cherry used by the time it gets to the end. So it is showing the "L" and the "B" in the logo with the fade between letters and outline.
I really like this logo because it looks like a Branding Iron a rancher would use on his cattle. I want that effect like when I put this logo on a business card it looks branded into it. When I put this logo on my website, it looks branded into the background image.
I also like the "LANDBRAND" and how it is now. It looks good with the larger capitals of the first word.
I would like the "B" in "LANDBRAND" to resemble the "B" in the logo somehow as well. Since the logo will have a charcoal "B" in it, then the "B" below in LANDBRAND should match the color. The "RAND" can match the dark cherry color in the logo that the B fades into.
I would also like to see the Tag Line better and have periods at the end of each Line like this "Real People. Real Prices. Real Property."
I'm really excited to see changes I've requested as it is coming to the end of the contest and this one has been my favorite, but I need to see those changes.
I would also like to see a version with all of the above changes in my last two entries as well as a thin green line between the name and the tagline. that will be my environmental touch.
Entry 103 is close.............swap the colors of the "B" in the logo that is cherry with the darker cherry around the outside. I like the colors so don't change them, but just swap the two.
Then on the "B" in "LANDBRAND" please make it all one color matching the "B" part in the logo. The "RAND" of the name I want to match the outside of the logo.
Also, I want the tagline to be the darker cherry and to see it better somehow. The green line below the name LANDBRAND does not need a faded look and can be a solid green.
Please make the last changes requested to Entry 103 only. No need try any other entry. 103 is the closest....just make the requested changes and you might win
I don't see the darker cherry color like in Entry 103 that I liked.....only see the other cherry color. The "B" in "BRAND" need to be the Darker Cherry with the rest of it just the cherry. Same colors in the Entry 103, just flipped between the two cherry colors.
The "B" in Brand needs to be all one color and that color is the darker cherry color.
Basically it is just like Entry 107 except the "B" in both the logo and the name are using the darker cherry color that you used in Entry 103 for the outer part and the RAND.
I would also like the Tag line to use the darker cherry.
Make the version I just described and that is all. once I see that version I have one more idea, but I will wait until what I described is complete. We are really close.
I also would like to see a version with the "LANDBRAND" that has the letters connecting like so:
Bottom right of the L connects to the bottom left of the A. The top right of the N connects to the top left of the D. The bottom left of the B needs to extend to the bottom right of the D. The top left of the R needs to connect to the Top left of the B. The bottom right of the R needs to connect to the bottom left of the A. The bottom right of the A needs to connect to the bottom left of the N. The top right of the N needs to connect to the Top left of the D.
Entry 119 looks good. I just want to try the things I just described last and if that looks like I think it will then I will end the contest early and you will win it. I am very happy with working with you so far.