Lakes NeighborhoodLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lakes Neighborhood

Lakes Neighborhood has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 183 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.




Love the art, but can't use for logo.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks tim. I had caught your contest at the very end of the open phase, so even though i knew this was probably too "complicated"-- the main part of the art had already been created, so took a chance that it might be chosen top 5, so i would have been able to enter other forms and different options for the logo. Didn't happen, but I appreciate your nice comment.

Thanks much.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi again. that was nice of you to rank me at the end.

(I am going to propose something that probably makes no sense, but since you haven't called a winner yet, if you did want me to work on a one color minimal design using cattails to upload tomorrow morning on the off chance it would be something that worked well for you, I would be willing to do that. But, I do understand that is not probable. On the off chance it might be something you would want to try, please message me tonight). Otherwise, again, I appreciate your kind words, your ranking and taking the time to send me that original message. Most people don't take a step like that and it sort of warms the heart.
11 years ago
Can you provide email address so that I might consider art work for different project?
11 years ago
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