Was wondering if you have a different shape you could do with this? The ultimate decision maker likes this; however, he's not that crazy about the shape.
On #75, can I get you to change the text to either have a thin darker blue stroke or darker letters. I'm concerned the white text is getting washed out in the light part of the gradient and would like to see it pop a little more.
Ok...as you can see you will be the winner; however, we need some changes. We would like to see #54 top of the shape with #80 bottom of the shape with the darker blue you have in #80. For the scene inside, my boss doesn't care for the jet ski. Can you swap out the sailboat in 54 for a pontoon boat so he can see that? Thanks and congratulations!
Perfect! I was wondering if you will be able to send me 2 versions - the updated #94 and #54 scene in the shape of #94. my email is constanceholdings@gmail.com. I will post #94 as the winner!!! Congratulations!