The Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH) is looking for a logo to use on our website and other branding. We’re open to logo containing full name or acronym and/or other representations. LISH is developing a multidisciplinary study of the science of innovation through a systematic program of solving real technical challenges while simultaneously conducting rigorous research and analysis. With our partners in both academia and industry, LISH focuses on five main research tracks: crowdsourcing research, technology commercialization, computer science and algorithm development, scientific production function, and patient innovations in healthcare.
Extra points go to those that go beyond the typical “innovation” indicators (like gears, lightbulbs, rockets, scientific lab equipment) and give us something we haven't seen before! We’d also prefer no people or bubbles. We’re a different organization from the Harvard i-Lab ( so make sure the logo is different from theirs.
Innovation, frontier, breakthrough research, disruption, going beyond what we know, uncertainty, trying, search, sharing knowledge,
experiment, quantitative social science, trying different solutions to problems, collaboration, co-creation space, crowdsourcing, trying things in uncertain terrain, novelty,