#56: Looks great. Can you show a version that has a bit more of a caricature of an actual stack of labels? Most of the labels we do are landscape, not portrait.
I'm glad You like it, but I'm not fully sure what do You mean.. Is it supposed to be a little bit unregular shape of labels, or maybe to make it a little bit like comic style(more funky outlines of labels) or sth. Please try to give me a little more description and I'll improve it.
Thank You so much for choosing my concept and I hope it will work for You as well as possible :)
Don't forget that in .eps file I left all layers blocked to avoid unwanted changes at the beginning. To make any changes You have to unblock them( a small padlock icon next to each layer). And I use adobe illustrator cs5 so If You'll want .eps file for older versions just tell me.
If You have more questions feel free to contact with me. Now or even whenever You'll need in the future.