I like very much entry #46. The pattern is very interesting. It's not exactly the colour code I'd have thought of... but, defo a great job. Would be nice to get to see some more of your work!
Great Desaligny. I´m very glad that you like the logo.
I will think on something more... and simple. If the ideia is good i will submit.
So do you want me also to do a colour variations of this #46? I will be here again tomorrow by night. And sorry for the late reply, i was traveling with the girl.
hello Joao, I like very much what you did and your style, I rank you among the two finalist, definitively. And I said to all other designers that from this point I want to focus only on two designers. you submitted only one entry, but a nice one. Now, I hope to see more of your work. coulour variations of entry #46 indeed: green brown white, no yellow. But, then again, maybe some other logos. I like the pattern. I think it can be the link between the pattern you can see on bark and the beehives. I like the dots as well. I think my slogan is important and should be somehow underlined. I'm concerned that my target audience believes I sell honey while I sell wood. Hence the reason why I want to avoid yellow.
Thank you for the great feedback and vote of confidence. Very very that you liked.
I´ve done some revisions based on your words. Please tell me what you think about the logos and colours?
I think the logos can speak what you do, i´ve tried to incorporate that in a simple way. If you need any explanation of some of then please say, and i will explain.
I! thanks for a good work! It's been very hard for me to rank among 1st and second competitor. I'm sorry that you end up second. I think we started too late discussing together because we got closer of my expectations but not close enough. Was just a matter of time. Your entry # 76 was really nice: symbol and slogan perfect, brand name I'm no fan of the "e" leafe. Anyway, thanks a lot and hopefully we'll work together some day soon
Yes i enter late in the contest to try people not to inspired in my concepts. Is that the reason.
If you need anything more just shout here please. And sure in the end of the contest i can provide you my contacts and website if you need to work with me again. Thank you and glad you liked my designs.