#21 Hi :) Here's my initial concept. I'd love to create a rendering using you actual barn. (I didn't want to guess as having a barn that was completely different from your actual barn wouldn't help you much) Would it be possible fo ryou to post a link to a picture of the barn - or one that looks like your barn at least?
I cannot figure out how to upload a picture of the barn, since I have already started this contest. So, I emailed the help desk, they answered me and I still cannot find where to upload. So, I wrote back to him and asked if I could call him and talk thru it. No answer yet. Maybe you could help move him along. I was communicating to Ivan Fedorowich of Logotournament. I would really like to send you that picture.
I like your design. Could you make it darker. Here is one suggestion, green leaf and black words. The words Ledgestone Barn need to be a little larger. Not sure if I need the lines? Could you try a few variations with these suggestions?
One thing you could try that might be easier / faster for you would be to upload the image to an image hosting site like http://tinypic.com and then just post the link in the comments. There's still plenty of time in the contest left for designers - we all work pretty fast :)
Thanks for the feedback - I'll put up some variations tomorrow.
Here are a couple revisions from feedback. I reworked the font (redrew a few letters to customize it and give it better flow). #46 has a different line - the right side of it balances out the dip of the "L" in "La" and closes up the space. In #45, I moved LEDGESTONE BARN up to close the gap, so the line isn't as neccessary.
I'm working on a barn version, too - but that probably won't be ready until later this afternoon / tomorrow :)
Here are a couple revisions from feedback. I reworked the font (redrew a few letters to customize it and give it better flow). #46 has a different line - the right side of it balances out the dip of the "L" in "La" and closes up the space. In #45, I moved LEDGESTONE BARN up to close the gap, so the line isn't as neccessary.
I'm working on a barn version, too - but that probably won't be ready until later this afternoon / tomorrow :)
As you will see I have your design as #1. I really like the pinecone. Not sure what the other item is, a piece of hay? (okay, I grew up on a farm, I should know) Could you work on tweeking your design a little. I like the style of lettering in design #31 & 33. Although I like the muted colors you used, I need it to be more vibrant to use on clothing and as letterhead, etc. Black, brown and green seem to be the best colors to use.
Hi :) It was supposed to be art of a pine branch. I can take it out if you want to stick with the pinecone only.
I'll rework the font. I originally modified / redrew a font to make it unique, but I can look for a font that's more in line with your preferences. I'll increase the color intensity, too. I was thinking originally that you'd want a more subdued / natural color palette as not to interfere with any wedding colors, etc., but maybe that doesn't matter as much? Either way - I'll have revisions up soon. :) thanks josh
Even though it is a barn, I want the weddings to think elegance, classy, high end and rustic. I think you are on the right track with the pinecone. I also like acorns, and different styles of leaves. I am now staying away from barns based on some feedback I got.
Few suggestions - could you create a few designs with 2 of the items, leaf & pinecone or pinecone and acorn or leaf & acorn.
On # 107 could you please try a different shade of green. On #46 could you make the leaf a little smaller.
I am trying to decide between you and Mr Do, so I appreciate all of your hard work.
Now for the difficult decision. We are almost there, but could you do a few revisions for me.
1. Please make the designs with a clear background. I like the shading, but can't use that for the designs on shirts, etc, because of cost.
2. I like what you did with #124. Please redo it with the lettering from # 107 as another option. Then do one design with the words Ledgestone Barn in one line and one design with words Ledgestone Barn stacked. Could you also do it in the color you have it in and also in the color from # 117/120 as a second color option.
3. On design # 79 could you try something different with the pinecone and the pine branch. Could you make the pinecone much smaller and have it and a few more attached to the branch. Then do the same things with the second lettering style and second color options as listed above.
Thank you so very much!!
By the way, I see in your bio that you are from the Midwest, where in the Midwest, if you don't mind me asking? I am also in the Midwest.
1 - No worries - the logo is supplied as a vector file with no background (as well as a .jpg on a white background) I also supply an extra "web-optimized" version as well. I upload work to logotournament with a background to discourage any "borrowing" by others (some people have the "if it's on the internet, it's free" mindset!)
2 / 3 - will do! I'll have the version up in a few minutes.
Awesome! I'm on the IL/WI border about 45 minutes south of Madison, WI and 90 minutes northwest of chicago. Where are you guys located?
I THINK these should include all of the changes / revisions. If I missed anything that you wanted to see, just let me know. With the multiple pinecones - I thought just two work...the third one being smaller wasn't TOO bad, but I didn't want to make it "visually heavy" on the top half.
Just so you know all of your hardwork wasn't wasted, my final 2 choices are............#126 & #129!! The difference is in the word layout of Ledgestone Barn.
Of course I have a few more changes :-) 1. Remove the line above the a that connects the L & G.
2. I wonder if the words Ledestone Barn should be a little larger. Some say yes, some say no. Could we try it a little larger.
3. Lastly, could you try some different color schemes with the words and the design, using earth tone colors.
If you're deciding between the single line & stacked lines for the tagline, I have no problem with supplying both. It's still the same logo, so I can't imagine logotournament minding that decision. :)
First of all, you did a wonderful job!! It was hard to pick the final design with so many good ones to pick from! My final choice is #138 & #137. If I decide to use a different color later on, it is an easy change.
So, what do I do now? Do I contact Logotournament and if so how do I do that? Or do you contact them?
I think you just rank accordingly (although you'll need to rank different designers for the 2nd / 3rd spots - one designer can't occupy more than one of the top 3 spots) then I think it gives you a "complete / finalize" option.
Once it's "complete", I'll upload the top-ranked logo files and then you'll click an accept button - that officially closes the contest.
Whichever version you pick, I can email you the other version once the contest is officially completed. (So if you pick #138, I can email you #137)
I'll shoot Ivan an email and have him check in with you, too.
I'll go ahead and get the files ready (they're pretty much ready as-is anyway)
We got just a quick dusting this morning, but I haven't heard about any significant amounts. My youngest was SO excited when it started though. It would be great to have a foot or so for Christmas...but I think we'll be too warm :(