L&L PharmacyLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / L&L Pharmacy L&L Pharmacy has selected their winning logo design. For $500 they received 148 designs from 43 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client lasiter29 United States Slogan Personalized Pharmacy Services What We Do We are opening a retail pharmacy that specializes in helping the Medicaid patient and the under-insured patients. Industry Medical Color Preferences Actually I am open on this - Pharmacy has to pop! Our Ideas & Additional Information Needs to be catchy Themes ColorfulNecessityModernSecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st grafikus Withdrawn 2nd Amalia 3rd Ex Withdrawn 4th intrepidguppy Withdrawn 5th enzyme Withdrawn 6th Sparkhaven Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. lilljeni Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. derry_bitraman Prefers others. derry_bitraman Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. soujiro Prefers others. soujiro Prefers others. soujiro Prefers others. Ex Prefers others. Ex Prefers others. Ex Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. garavi Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. nachoaudi Prefers others. Ex Prefers others. mcsimages Prefers others. mcsimages Prefers others. franknfurter Prefers others. Ex Prefers others. natasha Prefers others. natasha Prefers others. natasha Prefers others. designjunky Prefers others. Ex Withdrawn Prefers others. Dendo Withdrawn Prefers others. intrepidguppy Withdrawn Prefers others. Quetzal Designs Withdrawn Prefers others. Quetzal Designs Withdrawn Prefers others. dougie Withdrawn Prefers others. dougie Withdrawn Prefers others. dougie Withdrawn Prefers others. EstweenOnFire Withdrawn Prefers others. EstweenOnFire Withdrawn Prefers others. EstweenOnFire Withdrawn Prefers others. EstweenOnFire Withdrawn Prefers others. EstweenOnFire Withdrawn Prefers others. grafikus Withdrawn Prefers others. grafikus Withdrawn Prefers others. baiskee Withdrawn Prefers others. baiskee Withdrawn Prefers others. Joe Dexter - OFF Withdrawn Prefers others. Terry Bogard Withdrawn Prefers others. enzyme Withdrawn Prefers others. dinou45 1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next > Discussion lasiter29 Client Nice concept, I would like it to have some type of reference to a pharmacy, (i.e. pill, medicine, bottle, etc.)Also I did forget to say that it is located in Tulsa, OK. We are looking to open other stores in the surrounding areas, but we do want to stay in Oklahoma. 15 years ago lasiter29 Client Also, we do want this to be a happy place for people to come and get their pharmacy services, maybe peppier colors? We want people to want to come here and have personal service from their pharmacist and want people to take part in their health care. 15 years ago lasiter29 Client we can drop the LLC off of the logo, sorry 15 years ago lasiter29 Client We would like to incorporate the word "family" into the logo, "L&L family pharmacy" 15 years ago lasiter29 Client I would like to see some brighter colors!!! 15 years ago intrepidguppy Logo Designer congrats graf! 15 years ago Sparkhaven Logo Designer Congrats Graf :)J 15 years ago