Really cool work! I like #13 a great deal, but I wonder if you could play with the mug a little bit. The thing is, it's stock and over-used. I'd love to see some other designs of yours. Especially most of what I'm getting so far is cursive and (too) modern.
I'm torn between #13 and #113. The format/font of #13 is great, but the mug itself is over-used, and easily found on google images or stock sites. On the other hand #113 has a very cool mug, but the font is difficult to read (prefer modern than cursive).
I wonder if you could combine the 2 logos together. The mug in #112 is really good as well (minus the heart and bottom of mug. simple is better). It might fit better with a #13 concept.
Thank you for your designs. As it looks, I'm almost certain I'll be choosing your #13 entry. Is there a way you make some tiny variations on it for the sake of printing and marketing? The tagline is a little bit too tiny. It wouldn't really show on the sign. The font is fantastic though.
What I'm looking at right now is using the logo on the facebook page, and on the sign. The sign is 110cm x 75cm in dimension. It would be perfect if you could work with the logo for both purposes. The rectangular design for the sign is very important, especially that the text would be visible from a distance.
Hi Check please updated logos, I have created 110cm x 75cm proportions rectangle, and adjusted logo to fit this size #163 and #164. #162 is edition where it could be used horizontal.
I just noticed that you misspelled the name of the place. It's L'Abri Coffeehouse. There is a missing f in your "coffeehouse". Can you please fix it? Maybe the second f would made the tagline bigger and more visible.