Hi, I'm glad to know that you like my entries and also thank you for contacting me! I just added the modified versions and please let me know if you need further adjustments. Best regards, Adrian
Thank you for your appreciation and for paying attention to my work! Unfortunately I missed that that somebody has already introduced the idea of the negative space "R" between K and M. So I was forced to withdraw your favorite entry :( Because my concept for your logo has based on the keyhole idea as the main characteristic for your activity, for now, I replaced with other almost similar concept (the #98 and the #67 entries)!
If you will decided to pick up as a winner any one of my concepts, after the contest we will have the opportunity make any modifications!
Thats a shame. But nothing we can do about it. On #51, can we make my name all bold. Maybe see what it looks like with the grey part of the emblem outlined in black? Really liking #51.
Yes, unfortunately the other designer saw the main idea in the R letter, used in negative space, forgetting the essence of your activity. But as I already told, if you want, after the contest I will gladly work with you on the withdrawn concept!
For the #51 entry, don't want to add the R. initial to the name (as Kyle R. Miller)? I also made the modifications, as you requested, but I'm not sure that is needed the black outline there. I tried even an black "shadow" to increase the contrast.. maybe that's what you want to see.