KW Realty ServicesLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / KW Realty Services KW Realty Services has selected their winning logo design. For $325 they received 159 designs from 32 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by MayFlower Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #82 5th #81 Withdrawn 9th #71 Withdrawn Prefers others. #72 Discussion heidifore Client I really like this. It would be easy to see on a big sign in front of a house for sale. What does it look like with a black background and white lines?Thank youHeidi 15 years ago MayFlower Logo Designer on black background(This comment references Entry #81) 15 years ago MayFlower Logo Designer or like this(This comment references Entry #82) 15 years ago 2BCreative Logo Designer Nice work MayFlower good choice for the CH 15 years ago MayFlower Logo Designer Thank you EastCoast Creative! 15 years ago MayFlower Logo Designer heidifore, please let me know if you want any changes. Thank you! 15 years ago heidifore Client What if the line outlining the letters on #82 was red? What would that look like?Heidi 15 years ago