#4 Absolutely Loving the idea with the crown made of paint splashes! Very original! I think maybe a stronger font? Could we try the 3 crowns together ?
Regarding the font, we thought that maybe a 'Romantic' fonttype would address to our more 'conservative' artists, and the Crown for our range of Young painters, graffiti artists etc. I do not know if it would work together but it could be worth it to try?
#15 Dear Daniel, SO nice !! and very need - maybe a bit to need? We would like to see it with a bigger crown, as the rest is so low key:o) Maybe closer to the writing and Could we try with BLACK crown and grey font (Shadow) ?
As you see, we really like to work on the black/white logo.
We talked about making the DOT before .dk "blood" Red, just to have some color, and we would love to see the design of entry #21 with Font "Italics". Do you think this could work ??
If you have any other ideas, please feel free :-))
As much as we LOVE the crown you have designed, we would very much like to see some designs without the crown and slogan - just based on the fact that we are one of the top-sellers of artist supplies in Denmark, and that we have a large range of customers - from the "Davinci"-painter to the Graffiti artists.
Still FONT is everything, and we would love to be rembered by our font.
Maybe You could get some fun out of using the K and the F, which are beginnerletters for Kunstner Farver? Just go crazy :-)
#44 - just WORKS ! LAST change - we would like to see it with our slogan underneath in same font, only smaller, and another example stating "Since 2001" below in a thin italics font - like a loose handwriting :-)