I like the font and the fresh style... could you try some variations of the rising sun, maybe making it more obvious by putting it on top of the last A, as to have a semicircle (or less than that) with the same diameter of the letter A rising from it, and light rays as you have now?
Hi Satto, we prefer #30 to the latest two entries, but we would like to see something related to our theme (start) stand out more... maybe a variation on the rising sun?
Hi, #80 is getting in the right direction... could you maybe move the arrow head slightly to the right, so as to show also the beginning of the wrrow itself? I mean, filling the space between the a and the arrow head with two parallel, short lines defining the arrow?
The other thing is that the font is very nice and fresh, but I am not too sure how memorable/distinctive it would be for our customers...