KSean Sports PhotographyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / KSean Sports Photography

KSean Sports Photography has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 87 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.






Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


For #12 and #13 please see my comments about the word "Sports" being more prominent in the logo. It is important for the logo to show that the type of photography we do is sports-related. I like the font used for "KSean" but the "S" needs to be uppercase, not lower. The color scheme is good although I'd like to see an secondary color added. The abstract mark in both of these is interesting but I think is a little to fancy. I like the dark center of these abstract marks as well as the blue circle around the center. But the "curly" parts around the edge are too fancy.
13 years ago
I've given some more thought to the mark in #12. It sort of looks like a shutter from a camera but no so much so to make it cliche. At first I didn't want the typical camera shutter that you often see in photography logos. But this might work. I'll think about it some more. Do you think there is a way to modify this mark so that it conveys both photography and sports?
13 years ago
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