Some of you have asked for clarification on krank and what it means to assist you in your efforts to match our goals. I thought it only fair to share this with all of you.
Here is some additional context for you on why we chose "krank" which is a variant of the word "crank"
We are using an alternative spelling to the word "crank" by replacing the c with a "k"
Here are some definitions, music and other items to give folks a feel for what "crank" means.
It is often a reference to "high energy", or "cranking (turning) up music loudly" or one can "create power or leverage with a crankshaft"
Here are some links to give you a feel for the meaning and energy embedded in the term "crank":
1) want people to krank up their marketing activities with our marketing agency because we help them crank up new business with new marketing channels:
- Digital Advertising
- Google Marketing
- Mobile Phone Marketing
- Facebook Marketing