#81 - can you please add the tag line and can we see Klinger in burgundy and then do different options using a lighter blue and burgundy mix Try doing the the inside of the world lines in burgundy
Hi you can identify a logo if that is effective logo when you imagine if that is safe to print in black&white some paper work is only printed in black , or its look good in embroidered logo or can standout in one color logo..
So far #122 Seems to be everyone's favorite. We would like to see different options
- No tag Line - Tag line is kind of lost - if you have any ideas, please let us see them, here are some of our ideas - Put the tag line under the world all the way across (show in black and burgundy) - Put the tag line under the world all the way across and put a line under the bottom (show in black and burgundy) - Use the world from #126 - Make the grey in the world black - Try the words "Insurance Group" in Light Blue (like the blue outside the globe) and also in burgundy
Thanks for all your help on this. We are narrowing it down now.
Can you change #140, 142, 144, 147, 146 to the solid world like 143?
Still not loving the tag line - it is too small - got any suggestions for that one? We plan on using the logo without the tag line on some things and with the tag line on others.
Ok, we have it narrowed down to 140 and 147 - we would need these without the tag line and then show us options with the tag line as discussed in my last message to you.
You don't need to worry about doing the solid world (143) in my last message, we just need to work on the tag line.
The tagline is to long for the logo.. Going to look crowded ..normally the tagline is placed under the name of the logo.. but in your logo case has a word insurance group under the name..
#155 Can you make the line a solid light blue? Move the line over so the right side is under the "U" Center the tag line under the line that you just moved over to the right Bring the line down a little bit more - it is too close to "Insurance Group"
This is the first time we have used logotournament, can you answer some questions for us?
- Do we get exclusive rights to the logo - Do we own all the rights to the logo?
We will need (2) logos - #140 and another one with a tag line - are both included in the contest?
If we want to contact you to have you design other things for us, how does that work? We will need a whole new marketing campaign including, but not limited to - new banners for our trade shows, letterhead, envelopes, business cards, advertising, we have a Sprinter van that we want a design and then we will be "wrapping it", etc. How can we hire you to do that?
-Once you got the final file from me. Yes you have the rights for the logo. All the rights.. -you can receive only the winning logo here. But i can send the other one via email..
Here's my email - mikz051@gmail.com And you can check sample of my work here and services mikzdesign.blogspot.com