Hi, can you come up with alternative colors (tone down the color variation - one or two tones) for concept #90. because tomorrow my boss will be the final decision maker and possibly will prefer a simpler color scheme. we would really hate if your design is not chosen only because of color scheme.
Hi, Congratulation we have agreed to chose your concept to be the winning concept. we need to see some alternate variant to be able to confirm the design. The icon : we like icon concept like in #107 with the 3D bubble. i would like to see it implemented in #90 & #103
The Text : I would like to see alternative font use, and letter case style.
Hi, some added information for the text, you can see some reference in text style on the logo of cint (cint.com) and toluna (toluna.com). you can make the icon colorful with 3D bubble and the text with minimalist style like of cint and toluna for example.
We are thinking about placing the icon on the left side to save place in the website layout. any idea how to place it there and still be look good aesthetically. like the concept you use on the winning "trasada" logo on your portfolio.
I like the colors and the font on #113 could you make the icon facing the other way. And #115 is also good but it needs to have something to represent unity but not like in #116 or #114, other idea for #115 ?