Kiwi Logistics Ltd.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Kiwi Logistics Ltd.

Kiwi Logistics Ltd. has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 162 designs from 41 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Third party logistics
Color Preferences
no preference
Our Ideas & Additional Information
kiwi bird


Order by
Entry Number


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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


Logo Designer
cool a kiwi comp.
This should bring out the ex pats.
16 years ago
Logo Designer's another :-)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
What kind of logistics?
16 years ago
We do 3rd party logistics - so we fillfull web orders for other companies
16 years ago
Hi Bluejet- hope you'll have a good take on it - my client is from NZ
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Working on my kiwi now,
Kiwi, Charcoal and myself are all NZ born, I'm sure there are others.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I eat kiwi fruit :P
16 years ago
Logo Designer
you're a fruit Ivan :D
16 years ago
Logo Designer
intrepid ... LOVE #14
16 years ago
Logo Designer
LOL, what's funny is that none of us live in NZ anymore...I blame the brain drain.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
me no have brain,
They were happy to see me go :)

I'll be back, I love the place, just convincing my Australian wife to go back and live.
Where did you grow up Kiwi? (Auckland probably)
I'm from Nelson, Charcoal's from Auckland.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm a Rotorua girl...sad to say, I miss the smell of rotten egg, lol.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hot mud girl eh :)
My Aunty in Hamner Springs has the same smell.
kiwi's always go back home eventually, too beautiful there.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi fellow k1w1's - what a contest huh! :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Mackaboogie brotha, please don't be upset, but I swear I looked at #45 and I thought it was a tip of the penis - like the head. LOL

SORRY!!! Couldn't help it.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Kiaora Charcoal, BJ and Kiwi .. fancy marrying an Aussise BJ, shame on you sir. lol side note: Most of my rellies are from Nelson and Blenhem and im with you with going home. I just have to muster up the nutts to face the cold again. But on the plus side at least the have jap imports and fish 'n chips.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Any feedback?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Matt, you forgot cheaper beer too. (no alcohol excise) and many home town breweries.
booyah! for jap imports, series 8 Rx7 for half the price in NZ
15 years ago
I'm really digging the square/sticker design of #48 - I like that I could have stickers made up and slap them on boxes. Also the cleanness of the currently ranked designs. 72/73 give me a throw back to old airline/trucking companies - which is cool. And 49 is the first to tie in the fact that we use/move boxes and stuff, although hoping for a bit more color.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Only the shape of the bird in entry #48 looks like the bird is fat!:)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The bird is FAT! It's making money and eating well!!!


#72 and #73 got the new Pepsi logo feel. Looks like it could be one of the new Pepsi logos.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
BJ.. Good call with the alchy excise but i don't drink anymore. The cars are tempting though and i miss the fishing in the sounds. I drove up to Qld a while back and the sceenery is quite dull compared to NZ Arthurs pass e.t.c. though i haven't driven down the scenic costal road here yet which is meant to be pretty decent.

Series 3, ported rotor for me or a gtr skyline.. =D
15 years ago
Logo Designer

c10 or R32 skyline for me

I've had my Series One Rx7 since 1991
ported 13b too, Koni's, bare shell respray 2005

you can't beat driving around the South Island
15 years ago
Logo Designer
your S1 sounds nice.. > sending you a PM
15 years ago
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