looking at other presented concepts, i decided to take the idea and spin it. my concept is to take the term KING in a different angle...by the use of a lion vs. a crown. The silhouette presents a visual representation of a disguise.
Love the idea and taking a different angle! None of us had thought of a lion before. What if the the K and the D were bigger than the i and you saw the lions head sort of peering over the i behind the other letters like its hiding behind the letters glaring out ready to strike its prey. same silouette style with the gold eyes, Very cool concept!
this is by no means done(obviously, no text), it's another i'm working on and just wanna toss it out there since you made the comment on my profile lion. Just wanna see what you all think...if you're feelin' it to move forward...text and so on.
LOVE IT!!!! lets see what it looks like when you incorporate the lettering into that. All of the partners of the business that logged in today went nuts over that lion shield.
here's a 3rd one...the forehead need to lower to make it look like it's leaning back more....added hair under mouth. changed cheek angle. added gold just to give you the idea....
can we see a version with the lettering so we can get a rough idea of a completed design its hard too chose which style we like best without an ideas off how lettering looks
using entry 33 as a starter and 20 as a reference could u take out the king in disguise part and just leave entertainment center aligned. the lion figure is awesome but have it facin us like the entry in 33 can u have the lion a little more hidden? and some how wearin a chain (nothin crazy) and a pendant. the pendant id like to see a record vinyl or top of a microphone and it would fit in to the dot in the "i"
hmm.....i'm not following you on this one. you want to lower and hide the lion behind the text but you want a pendant to dot the "i"??? the pendant would be below the text then. I'll post without the pendant dotting the "i" and see if that part is what you are looking for then we'll go from there.
ok the new entries are some what correct neway u can keep the font u used in entry 20 nd keep the "entertainment" small jus like #20 but center align it scrach the lion wearin the pendant idea, the record on top of i looks pretty awesome we still would like the lion kind of hidden anyway you can make the "i" swallowed by the mouth of that lion that way the eyes are lower by the letters. i know the descriptions is a little unclear but let me know if ur followin thanks for the great work
On entry 31 can we see a the "G" in the same color as the "K" so the IN is isolated, and then do the Disguise in totally different color? or do the DIS in gold like it is, and the guise in black? We also ended up still liking the shield version alot but want to see lettering incorporated into it for the full effect.
on entry 42 can we see a few different font choices? can wet also see entertainment in s larger font its very small and hard too read. on entry 41 can you add entertainment to it?
Entry 69 is getting closer, but I still would like to see king in disguise spelled out, but with a different font. pretty much everyone in the company agrees on the shield, but not all are sold on the font. Also on entry 41 could we see entertainment added to it?