really like #60!!! Here is my dilema. I want to have that as my website. underneath logo will simply state "For more information on a seperately managed account, please email Soooo, the black background works better with the white and ocean blue color scheme but, when i use the logo on an email or letterhead, i think the logo would look better as entry #21
Really like #86 very cool! Just trying to find the most sophisticated, rich, strong logo. Your designs represent all of that. I like 84 & 85 but, i like the emblem look...i think better in 86
How would the whole logo...with black background look inside of the oblong firled...therefore i could potentially use the "emblem on black or white and it wouldn't matter
just thinking outloud as i can't change colors contingent upon what background i use, right?
Cool, i did not articulate properly, sorry. How would the logo and the KILLIR KAPITAL all look inside the emblem "oblong" surround like in #86? That make sense where the logo like in #60 with KILLIR KAPITAL underneath all surrounded by the emblem lile in 86?
I really like #60 on a black background & #21 on white background.
Thanks for doing the other designs, this process is ery cool yet, very overwhelming as this is quite a decision. i liked the whole design inside of the emblem but, it resembled an automaker versus a Hedge Fund my wife said. As i love cars...maybe she is right.