ENTRY #43. Please update as follows:
1. Change the order of the boxes, starting from left to right, as follows:
Red colored box with "Hands image."
Gold Colored box with "Soccer Player image." Please use the soccer player image I sent you previously.
Green colored box with "Graduation Cap & Books image."
Royal colored box with "Shield image." Use the following SHIELD as a reference:
http://www.totalfutbolacademy.com/page/show/1481565-handsNOTE: Shield needs to have four separate quadrants with detailing within each quadrant per the reference.
ENTRY #47. Please update as follows:
1. Remove the four boxes above the name.
2. Place the "Soccer Player Image" of ENTRY #31 to the left of: KIDS OFF THE STREETS.
3. Change the current colors used for the "Soccer Player Image" of ENTRY #31 with the 4 color choices sent for the boxes.