Kids Data Systems, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Kids Data Systems, LLC

Kids Data Systems, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 124 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.
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Thanks for being first to post on this. Truly appreciate your design ideas. Hope I can give you constructive feedback on these.

I like the effort on integrating a home into the design, connecting it in with the "K". The graphic is punchy and would work in B&W much better than our existing one. Altogether much better than what we've got now.

The overall tone is a little bit intimidating and "edgy", block letters in bottom section in particular are too masculine. That delivers on the "security" tone we asked for, but somehow is too harsh as it is now.

The contrast in color it affords is nice, but believe the sun theme may be a bit overused (am not sure what to suggest as a better alternative...)

I like the integration of the child as the letter "i", is their a way would could make the words KIDS slightly more recognizable -- perhaps thru mods to the person icon?

Critiquing graphics not something I do everyday -- not sure I can well communicate what I like/don't like. But truly appreciate your efforts here and welcome further ideas from you on this
13 years ago
#3 -- the lighter width letter on KIDS is move in right direction, overall less intimidating to viewer. Will have some others back on Monday to provide further feedback. Thanks for your efforts here.
13 years ago
The original ideas of the logos provided are very interesting; we also liked your portfolio.

We have couple of ideas which like to share with you.
On color:
1. We are not very sure about the use of this shade of Yellow with the combination of Green.
2. Is it possible to use Green – White –Blue as color? Other alternative could be two different shades of green or green-white combination
3. We would like to see a copy without the Sun. It is little distracting the focus from KIDS to image of sun. Idea of protecting the child by sheltering him is sufficient to convey the message.
4. Is it possible to arrange the word KIDS little differently than current design so that KIDS word form a LOGO shape it-self (kind a typographic) and followed by DATA SYSTEMS words.
On Font:
1. Is this possible to use NeoSans(preferred)/Halvetica Bold / VAG Rounded as font in it?
2. You can use any of your font which can tweaked a little to form a logo consisting of KIDS word.

Look forward to seeing additional ideas you have on this logo.
13 years ago
Hey -- these are coming along nicely.

1. Is it possible to change the child image to a joyful image where child is expressing his joy? See
2. Please remove “, LLC” from design
3. We really like your designs - any thoughts on entirely new design concept from you apart from this one?

13 years ago
The idea executed is very good.
Is this possible to include the child(the figure in cheerful mode) in blue design also as it is green design?
Is there any other way to express KIDS words?
Both blue and green are attractive but you can try other combinations also putting your creative ideas.
Is that possible to achieve something different with KIDS and DATASYSTEMS word together? You can try something Classic and Elegant in nature.
The designs received so far from you is very innovative but we want to provide you a creative space where you can create, understanding the purpose/working area of our organization.
13 years ago
Truly appreciate your consistent efforts on these.

#37, Can you suggest alternative treatment for the "S" in KIDS, and in general making the word "KIDS" slightly more instantly readable? The "S" resembles a "five", the "i" person may not be

The fragmented sun you have in #2 -- could we restore that as of version of number #37? I'm kind of wondering whether there's a way to somehow offset the sun to make it a bit more visually interesting.

I like your typographic treatments and #38 and #39 - but frankly the designs you have with #37 convey so much more.

As you can probably tell from our ranking changes – we are having a difficult time choosing between the blues and greens! are there any other color combinations that you would recommend as a graphic artist?
13 years ago
Thanks for the latest submissions,

The treatment of the S on entries like #54 - much better.
Sticking only with color scheme of 54 - can we see variations that:
a) remove the sun altogether
b) incorporate slightly more of a "technology" connotation to the design.
c) make the "i" more recognizable. a couple of people we have polled say that it is not apparent what word is being spelled due to the design of the "i"

Again – I appreciate your sticking with us thru this process.
13 years ago

Requesting you to do couple of changes in the existing design. Please respond quickly.

1. I in KIDS for design #54 should be more like a I. Currently it is looking like Y.
2. Please color the child like figure in #54 in same blue color.
3. Please change the DATA SYSTEMS color from Blue to Green.
4. Please produce couple of variety in the same concept along with requested changes in #54, if possible.

13 years ago
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