We are in the final stages of making a decision as to who the winner will be. Your design as you know is one of the top 3.
We need to see a few changes(mainly color): - Don't change the design or the font. - The black color in both the icon and the word "KHAWAK" is fine. - Change the "PETROLEUM" color to some other different colors. You can experiment with red, green, teal, etc. - More importantly, you can choose a color to your own taste that you think will be a good combination for the design and represent the oil/gas industry. - Please upload your designs as soon as you can.
Finally, I have selected your design to be the winner of this contest. I appreciate your effort! Please send me all the different formats of the logo, such as full color, black and white, grayscale, transparent background and jpg formats for all the different versions mentioned.