This is my new entry on your contest, basic idea is i use traditional coil mining tools such as shovel and pickaxe that i combine with key and key hole image.
#6 is head of shovel that i combine with key hole, #7 key image that i combine with shovel, and #8 pickaxe, shovel, and key hole that i combine together.
Hi Yatzun - thank you for submitting your logo idea. We are not interested in coal mining tools as part of the logo- mainly the key. However when using key in logo - we would be interested to see your designs with key laid on its side with the wording ‘’Key Mining Services” on the inside. We have to imagine these things on stickers on all our vehicles and machinery.
hi again Yatzun and thank you for extra entries. We feel the style of key you are using is very old fashioned and does not help logo stand out - we are looking for modern, new, fresh. thanks