I would say if anything, our main hope to come away with is a really great, iconic emblem that would eventually be able to stand on its own (like the Apple logo can stand on its own and people recognize it, etc). Something relating to the motion picture film industry if at all possible. (a good example in our industry would be Panavision's logo, very iconic, yet simple, and easily recognizable -
http://media.photobucket.com/image/panavision%20logo/angela91360/S8%20pics/alex%20work%20pics/Panavision-1.gif )
In a way, we're trying to get away from a necessarily font based logo (like we have now, which is based on the Spring Regular font).
We like Entry #5's (hence our first place ranking for now) emblem, sort of shutter-esque.
Hopefully this information is helping! thank you all for your submissions