#29: Like that you were not afraid to state the obvious. Might not be the final direction, but kind of cool to see something frog in this. We are considering a tagline like "leapfrog your paperwork" or something, so keep working on this direction!
#42: Ryo - we love this idea! Our attorney did not. We fought with him, but he's a better fighter. We love everything about it - the selection of color and placement, the balance, the shadow, the motion, everything. Please see the general comment posted earlier today that might help you take this somewhere that might work for us.
Not sure if you can crop part of the frog out to make is less obvious...not even sure if that will help our case with our attorney. I'll leave it up to you to creatively solve our problem with using Kermit and an obvious frog together. Sorry for the poor, initial direction. This was an AWESOME logo! Keep at it!
Here's a frog origami, which made from a paperwork. So is match literally with the tagline " leapfrog your paperwork", which means using a paperwork to create a frog origami and then leap it :D
I think this frog origami quite worked to make the frog more subtle / not too obvious. Let me know what you think. Any feedback would be appreciated!
#200: Really clever. We're not sold on the tagline yet because there are a lot of things this app does beyond the paperwork relief, however, this is a solid logo!
Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it. You can discuss it with your team and let me know what the next feedback. is. We can also discuss and brainstorming what the best idea for the logo, then I'll visualize it for you. I'm ready to do any revisions as much as you want until you find the best logo for you.