Could you change the texas flag to a USA flag? Same image, but USA? Love it! I also love the leather bull with the stitching! I have to show my owners tomorrow and I'll give you more feedback then.
Just talked to the owners and they agree that you are the best by far. Here are some tweaks they would love to see: 1. On the American flag, instead of stars in the blue section, could there be a mountain or monument valley image? #65 - LOVE the tattered flag! 2. Could you mean up the bull? Like the bull on Wall Street (google Wall Street bull)? #60 Maybe longer horns? Thanks!
I see that you have posted instructions for designers to use a bull or a flag.
Unfortunately those are ideas I have brought into the contest and therefore can not be shared with other designers. Please see client guidelines below "Please do not ask designers to use elements or concepts from other designers."
I'm so sorry. I have no idea what I'm doing. So then now I only work with you to perfect your images to my liking? The other images are not what I'm after. I'm so confused.
Yes, that is correct. You can continue to work with me until you have a logo you are happy with. It's not just an overall design, but coming up with an idea that the contest holder likes is a large part of it and only one person will be compensated for the time and effort they put into the contest. Hopefully you understand that seeing someone else win with my ideas would be disheartening.
No, there is only one more day for the top 5 designers to submit entries. After that it goes into judging phase where you can continue to work with the first ranked designer.
I will work on mountains as well. Does #109 work for monument valley or is there something else you would like to see?
The owner of our store is in love with your work! He absolutely LOVES the bull/flag image. Could you please take off the Texas star and add the USA stars? Also, Could the bull stand out more? Horns a bit more? Also - in our logo we have currently, we have smoke coming out of our logo - could the smoke we now have come out of his nose? How can I send you that logo so you can see the smoke? This is exciting. wk
This show our smoke. Could the smoke not just go straight down, but more like our logo, and up and around? I hope I am making sense. This logo looks VERY good!
Let's take #114 and take off the smoke and put less stars. My concern is if this is embroidered on a baseball cap I don't want the image to get lost. Like a blob. More definition? Thanks so much!!! wk
Yes! One last thing, if he was to be embroidered on a cap, will he run together and not be distinguishable? Is there any way to have more space between the lines? Does that make sense? What state do you live in?
I like the wider stripes. What about the actual bull? Is there anyway to have his outlines not be so close together? I'm afraid he might blend and look blob like if we have him embroidered. So far so good though. I swear we are almost done! wk
No! I'm glad you misunderstood. I REALLY like the wider stripes!!! So, for example, the head is really close to the legs, I'm concerned the image might not be distinct enough b/c of the closeness of the lines. (the head to the legs). I hope I'm making sense. wk
One more thing, sorry - could you please take the image back to the original distressing, like #116. I figured out how to get the look I want - could you bring the front leg back a bit? That way there is more room between the head and the leg. But, I don't want his head to raise. Hope this helps. wk