I wonder how it would look if the letters and icon were less sharp. I like how round the edges are on my original logo. what do you think. I like what you've done with name separate from a logo mark. could you use a different more rounder font? Please don't include Inc.
no more like my original logo. Have you seen my original logo? I don"t mind it except the KA together doesn't fit right. I would like to lower the "a" down some how and make it look good. I feel like the "a" over the top of the "K" just doesn't look right. I also use the ka part as an icon and put it on hats. I hope i'm making sense. I would like to see something in the middle of yours and mine. What do you think?
#77 - a version of #74 with the icon larger and a change to the 'A' on the icon. #78 - a simpler version of #77 which could be embroidered on uniforms.
I really like the direction you are going with #77 as far as the "kelly automotive" font type is going. I would like to see if you can soften the K in kelly a little but overall you have nailed the font. What I would like you to do though is get me some better icons. The current ones you have are a little shark and the K is not prominent enough. I would love to see the icon with a bolder K with softer maybe rounded edges similar to how #68 K is rounded. Also try and make a softer version of your #38 icon and make it in the flat colors as well. We love the Kelly automotive part just want some different icons softer but keeping that sophisticated look.
EnzoBlubird thanks for all the hard work, I'm defiantly picking you in the top 5. I like your KELLY AUTOMOTIVE the best out of every one. I like the icon but don't love it-but it's growing on me. Do you have any other ideas? i'm open for anything.
Enzo, I need you to help me out, ask me any questions you need to. 1st can you do a version of icon #38 and match it with #145 KELLY AUTOMOTIVE. I dont want any shading right now. 2nd - change the color red a little lighter please.
What about without the circle around it, just KA on its own?? Might look cool. maybe a couple more changes then im going to look at it a day or so. I think I might like it the best. I think if we can first make it look good plain it will really look good with extra color and fades.
So I think I have figured out what we want. The problem is that it is kind of some detailed changes that need to happen. We would like to see if we can chat with you via email or if we can get a Skype number so we can send some files back and forth. We like were the icon is but need some changes. I have had my marketing guy make some super rough sketches of what we exactly want. We just need to get you those files. Please let me know the best way to get with you. I have spent the last two days figuring out what we want. If you can get what we are looking for we will choose you as the winner. Thanks
#242 & #243 - versions with just a black outline (I hope that's what you meant). Removing the white line of previous entries tends to kill the red. #242 has a thinner line which helps stop this. #244 - a horizontal oval. This tends to look a bit crooked which is because of the angle of the letters I think. #245 - a different oval and #246 - an oval with a thick and thin border. #247 - an alternative to a circle or oval shape. #248 - same as #245 but with the white line.
I hope all this isn't making it more difficult for you to decide.
#249 - stretched icon and grey outlines on the icon and Kelly. AUTOMOTIVE in the same grey. #250 - AUTOMOTIVE in black. #251 - AUTOMOTIVE in a darker grey. #252 - KELLY and AUTOMOTIVE at the same angle as the icon K. Don't think this is necessary as the other versions look OK but I thought I might as well do it in case you wanted to see what it would look like.
When you choose the winning design I upload a final eps file (which can have layers) and a final jpeg file. Any additional file types I can email to you.
I would be happy to help you out with other design work.