KBRLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / KBR

KBR has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 136 designs from 53 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

An Industry Leader
What We Do
Manufacturing and remanufacturing of heavy duty air and hydraulic truck parts.
Manufacturing & Wholesale
Color Preferences
Open to all options.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Over twenty five years in the industry, knowledgeable, leading company in design


Order by
Entry Number














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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


LogoTournament Staff
Hi All,

This contest will work like this:
1) I will accept entries for 3 days. Then the contest will go into judging.
2) I will present the concepts to client. This might take a week or so
3) Once I have the client feedback / shortlist I will reopen the contest based on the new information. I will communicate as much feedback as possible then.

Good luck to all!

16 years ago
Logo Designer
that sounds good to me. It should give us the impetus to come up with our own concepts, and plenty of them(to make shortlist).It will be also interesting to see who enters without the piggybacking of other entries;)
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Just a note that gradients/web2.0 is not wanted by this client. Think traditional: flat & solid colors.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh, good to know. I was just about to submit my designs... :(
16 years ago
Logo Designer
nice one bluejet!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks aremmai
16 years ago
Logo Designer
any update Tyler?
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Ideazen - please read my first message. :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Tyler is the owner...and he mediates design contest on his own site for certain clients.
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
V - basically I am accepting entries for a fixed time, then I will close the contest while they are presented. Then I will provide feedback, and reopen it.

This contest is for a friend, and I am running it as a favor.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
so why arnt you just running it as normal?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
o and how long will it be open for after it has reopened
16 years ago
Logo Designer
This is a bit unusual for the owner of this website to hold a contest on this website outside of the contest guidelines. So can other contest holders hold contests like this one? If, "This contest is for a friend, and I am running it as a favor.", that seems strange, your friend should run his own contest within the contest guidelines. Fair is Fair.
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Jessica - Could you tell me exactly what guidelines I am breaking? :)

I am running this contest this way to avoid wasted effort. There is no point in this contest taking in entries if the end client might not even see them. The difference between this and other contests is that although I am hosting it, I am not a part of the decision making process other than doing some filtering, giving my opinion, and interacting with all of you.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
I would rather Tyler took part in contests personally,
if I know he's offering his experienced personal opinion to the CH
then I know good designers have a better chance, instead of the usual CH or a team of people
picking the prettiest logo to them, instead of the most practical and strongest.
(and our 'friend we love to hate' has less of a chance of copying)

Anyway contest formats are changing soon.

my 2.3 cents
16 years ago
Logo Designer
It says in line 17 paragraph 3, that the owner or it's affiliates will not participate in any portion of the decision making... etc.", =P just kidding.

You're the boss, so it's all good.

bluejet, contest formats are changing?

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Tyler will let us know when he's done,
and we've had all our rants and discussions in the forum.
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Does anyone want me to extend this? They won't get a chance to see anything until Friday anyways, so I could keep it open if any of you had additional designs in mind.

I'll check back later this morning.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I'd love an extension or the ability to submit a revision. I withdrew one design to replace it with revision of design 133 (the revision is best variant yet) and time expired.
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Sorry vieo -- I didn't get a chance to come back.

Ok all, thanks for all the great submissions. I think there are a lot of great entries that they will like. I just sent off the entries and we all should hear back next week sometime.

What did everyone think of not having rankings for the initial submission period?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Looks like another "unhealthy" contest. Oops, wrong site. ;-)
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Nope this one is very healthy :) Just playing the waiting game with the rest of you.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
OK You won
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Any news on this?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow... is it 2009 yet?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Still no word on this?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
any news on this contest yet???
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Finally got news that they have selected a winner which I will announce shortly. Some people missed Silver/Bronze because of early withdrawal, but I can understand as this contest seemed dormant.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
cool. congrats to the winner and to my first ranking ;)
16 years ago
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