#39 - You have everything in your logo that I need (according to the real estate board). It is a little too "business" for me if you can jazz it up just a little???
Also, will you change the L in living, T in The and D in dream so they stand out just a little and somehow have my name a little bigger or underneath "Living The Dream". I also like the color blue/turquoise and the green needs to be a little brighter if possible.
#49 - Fabulous job!!! Can you try something to see if it works.... Can you make Living The Dream in pretty cursive writing and use upper case for the L T D and lower case for the rest of the words. I want Living The Dream to be kind of fluffy or look lighter. Hopefully I am making sense to you. That way the L T D stands out in the words so people understand that is the name of the company?
#69 - A few tweeks.... again.... The blue is too green so could you make that adjustment. The google logo has the blue that I like so you can see that color.
The Living The Dream - could you make that slightly smaller and choose a cursive that is a little less swirly...
And make my name the same bold orange as the windows :).
The blue color is more of what I want just a little lighter - I wish I was right in front of you while you are making the changes so I could make this easier for you.
Is there a color wheel you can provide on a web somehow so I can tell you which colors to make it easier for you. That way we don't have to go back and forth???
I am choosing #73 as the winner of the contest but the colors are wrong and my name needs to be a little bolder so it is easier to read. I wish I could combine a couple of your designs together (mainly the font)...
The The orange in the windows is perfect but my name needs to match the brightness and boldness so it stands out.
105 is the color scheme that I want. Is there a possibility of the blue being a little darker??? That is the only thing I would change so it is easier to see.
The color chart I sent you had Dark Turquoise 00CED1 and the blue that you used seemed lighter. Also, could you darken the green as well to Lime Green 32CD32???
I just need to make sure it is bright yet dark enough to see all of the colors without washing out when I use them for my big realtor signs.
107 is the right color of blue and orange but the green doesn't look right - it needs to be slightly darker and not so vibrant.... I looked back on some of the other logos I received and I see the color of green I want???
Also.... My name still doesn't stand out and I think it is because of the font that you used. I there any other font to use so it is thicker or bolder??? Maybe my name in white with an orange box around it???
I have got to choose the winner today and we are almost there :)
Wait.... My sisters just gave me their final opinion and I agree with what they are telling me.
On number #54 you have a line under LTD Realty which really breaks it with the color scheme you have on #54 as well. They think the green and blue stands out better. Just keep everything else on #110 except for those changes.
Please don't kill me :) I want this done more than you trust me