Yeah, so, I'm a dudeāand I STILL want a T-shirt with this on it! Cool, clean, modern approach with a little throwback font. Hope you dig it. Your feedback, input, requests are always welcomed...unlike most of your dates. (Wah-wah) ~Geoff (A-ha)
I love the retro typewriter font mixed w the hot pink emoticons! When I was trying to think of logos on my own, I was looking for typewriter fonts and MS Office doesn't have it. Can you make the font black in #61 and #58? I like them the best because it has the tag line in there.
wondering what if it would be too much to have both the :( and the </3 so that the logo looks something like
:( Kate's Dates </3 w the tagline underneath...
your design is giving me lots of ideas for how/where i can use it. i also like the fact that because it's a simple font and emoticons, somehow it's more gender neutral. even though my target audience is women, i don't want to alienate the guys and your logo does that really well.
I like the stacked version #124. I think that would look good as the main picture on the facebook page. I was actually going to ask for something like this... you read my mind!
If you have ideas for different configurations or how to incorporate the logo, emoticons, and tag line into a facebook page or website, let me know.
The logo will be used on the facebook page, twitter account, (which isn't even up and running yet), pretty much anywhere I post Kate's Dates-related content.
The first and most obvious idea is to use one of the emoticons (the hot pink frowny or broken heart) as your website flavicon -- the little 'button' that shows up beside the website name when you bookmark a site or page.
Another idea: Create a ranking system... REALLY bad date: </3</3</3</3
Sorry. Hit 'enter' too soon... wasn't done : ) GARDEN VARIETY BAD: </3</3 or : ( : ( (2 Frownie points) OR LIKED HIM, HE HATED ME: </3</3</3</3 UBERCRAP DATE: : ( : ( : ( : ( BORED TO TEARS date: :' [ REAL LOSER: ( * ) I mean, you can see where all to go with it.
Can you do it on a black background with white writing and hot pink emoticons? I'm looking through different website templates and I want to see what the logo would look like in white text.
Take it! It's yours. "Frownie Points." Love it. Yes -- will do a reverse version against black. Also -- two new entries coming: a custom emoticon just fro Kate's broken heart...
#130 reversed option looks great! #131 is good but I like it better with the upper case for the first letter
I like the idea behind #128 and #129. Some kind of abbreviated emoticon to use as an icon. Maybe it's just the font you're using but it almost looks like a "K" and a "B" in hacker style writing because of the "/" in front of the 3...
Yeah -- I see the B now, too. Eh, worth a shot. I think the ones in the logo will work better. (Just checked out your Facebook page [finally]. You're hysterical! Love your writing style and wit. I married 20 years (blow dart me, please?), but looks like the dating scene still bites as much as it ever did. Afraid I might've been missing out on something.
By the way -- feel free to put any of my entries in the NOT INTERESTED column if you're sure they're not contenders. I can do some house cleaning and withdraw them.
Typo-fest above. Please forgive "I married" playing the role of "I'm married." And, the what-the-hell-is-that-doing-there open parenthesis before "Just..." Not sure if blow dart is a single word or hyphenated. Rambling completed. *drops mic*
I prefer the font you used in #124. The font in #133 and #134 looks like a less retro font ( like dot matrix printers from the 90s instead of a typewriter)