Thanks for a good concept; we like 153's subtle hint at a road disappearing in the distance. Any other treatments that would derive from that, different road-type icon's, or the same icon with the road a bit more prevalent.
Is there a way to add somewhat more of a 3-d or shadowed look, similar to the # 2 ranked design?
As above, if you can add a 3d, polished appaearance to the icon, as well as possibly making it an "edgier" font and look like entry 174, that would be good
Surgana, we have gone back and forth on this, but assuming that you will work with us in the final stage (working with possibly different slogans tweaks to the icon's font, try out different slogans, we would like to work with you on this)!
Could you try a font treatment somewhere between the conservatism of 178 and the flash of 179? 155 is somewhat in this range but other options would be interesting to see.
We like the 3d, polished look of 179, so lets build on that.
Also, could you try a couple of other slogans...see how they fit:
"Focus on the Journey" "Focus on your Journey" "ss