Thanks for submissions! Looking into all new 5 I'd say that
#35 &
#36 are the ones that I would like to explore further for now. For remaining ones, I will remove them as not interested.
General comment: I like the technique you used for drawing. I am not sure how to explain it, but lets call it 'slightly broken pen'. Lines are a bit harsh, partially missing ink, gives a feeling of authenticity. I like it.
However, font does not correspond to above. Yes, I said earlier sharper font, but I have only spotted this now. If there is any way to bring font looking similar, that would be very interesting.
Fonts in general - I think we are not there yet. Please lets try to come up with something new
I also see that you use double-line when drawing wave, giving 3D efect. Can we try to use just a flat line, like a simple one color drawing?
And last one for now - can we change all lines to solid, clean, medium bold line 'not like broken pen', but just like a new, straight from the shop.