I love the fonts and colors of # 23 #19. I like the line with the heart on #15 but not the color. I also like the idea of #11 but don't love the font. Below. It would also be great to see a design around #23 and # 19.
Hi, You design # 28 is one of my top 3 favs. I would just like to see the a in kasey a little more legible and maybe see either just the hearts in red or kasey in red and blue in the organe you have and the hearts in red. Just for a little color variation. Thank you.
hi, thank you for the new designs. i am really loving them. can you take entry #69 and maybe try to put a circle around it? my name can be all the way in or maybe even half in and half out of it. i am torn between just having my name like #69 or trying to make it more of a full circle logo and see if its a stronger logo. thank you.
It was a tough decision but I choose another logo as my winner. I still really love your design and it sounds like in the rules it is allowed for me to offer you a certain amount for your design and pay you directly if you agree to selling your design to me.
I would like to offer you $150 for #121 and #69. Essentially it is the same design but one has wardrobe + prop + stylist below my name and the other ones does not. Thank you for all your great designs and hard work. I really appreciate it. Please let me know if you would like to sell #121 and #69 to me and if so how you handle direct payment and exchange of the logo.
Hi Kasey I am unable to send me you a message. Please send me one, so that we can exchange our emails. I will be able to give you the logo files and other details over the email!